In an article heavily influenced by the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which defines Russia and China as strategic adversaries, published yesterday in the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings, Adm. Charles Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, warned that nuclear war with Russia and China is very possible and that therefore we must reshape our nuclear deterrent to make sure it doesn’t happen. “The implications of today’s competition and the associated risk of great power crisis or direct armed conflict are profound; they affect nearly every fundamental assumption we make about the use of armed force in the defense of the nation and its allies,” Richard writes.Richard complains that for the past two decades the U.S. military has been focused on anti-terrorism operations, thus “ignoring the nuclear dimension,” while Russia and China have been aggressively modernizing and expanding their nuclear forces. “At the U.S. Strategic Command, we assess the probability of nuclear use is low, but not ‘impossible,’ particularly in a crisis and as our nuclear-armed adversaries continue to build capability and exert themselves globally,” Richard writes further. “Further, assessing risk is more than just assessing likelihood; it also involves accounting for outcomes. We cannot dismiss or ignore events that currently appear unlikely but, should they occur, would have catastrophic consequences.” Richard goes on to give the entire laundry list of offenses and “aggressions” of which Russia and China are supposedly guilty, offenses that, of course, require a response from the U.S. “We must actively compete to hold their aggression in check; ceding to their initiatives risks reinforcing their perceptions that the United States is unwilling or unable to respond, which could further embolden them. Additionally, our allies may interpret inaction as an unwillingness or inability to lead. Remaining passive may deny us opportunities to position in ways that underpin one of our greatest strengths: strategic power projection.” “Faced with Russia and China’s growing threats and gray zone actions, the United States must take action today to position itself for the future,” Richard declares. “We must start by acknowledging that our most fundamental assumption—that strategic deterrence will hold, even through crisis and conflict—is going to be tested in ways not seen before.” Unfortunately, he continues, “our opponents invested in nuclear and strategic capabilities designed to constrain U.S. actions, test our alliances, and, if necessary, escalate past us—to include nuclear use. There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state. Consequently, the U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from ’nuclear employment is not possible” to “nuclear employment is a very real possibility,’ and act to meet and deter that reality. We cannot approach nuclear deterrence the same way. It must be tailored and evolved for the dynamic environment we face.” This is clearly an argument for continuing the sweeping modernization plan for the U.S. nuclear arsenal and is perfectly in line with Pompeo’s scorched-earth approach to U.S. policy on China while in office, something that Richard cites in the article. The Washington Times reports that Richard said in an interview that the article, which was actually written last September, is meant to energize Navy leaders regarding the rapidly changing threat environment and how to provide the best military advice to civilian leaders. “In this new era of competition, this will be the first time in our nation’s history that we will have to face two nuclear-capable peers by the end of this decade,” he said. “We’ve assumed strategic deterrence will hold in the future, but as the threat environment changes, this may not be the case,” he added. “We need to be ready to respond to cross-domain threats to ensure the security of our nation and allies by thinking holistically about strategic deterrence in the 21st century.” Strategic nuclear competition should be viewed as maintaining relative advantage over competitors, with the United States seeking to play the dominant role. “As a department, we are wise to establish unity of effort in addressing Russian and Chinese aggression, while understanding they require different deterrence approaches, and incorporating that thinking into professional military education at the earliest opportunity,” Adm. Richard said. The same day, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger placed an op-ed in the Washington Post which, while focused on military readiness rather than nuclear deterrence, was based on the same assumptions about Russia and China from the National Defense Strategy.
U.S. European Command confirmed rumors circulating for about the past two weeks yesterday that a contingent of B-1 bombers will indeed be deploying to Norway. “For the first time in Norway, more than 200 U.S. Air Force personnel from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, with an expeditionary B-1 Lancer bomber squadron, will arrive to support upcoming Bomber Task Force (BTF) missions out of Ørland Air Base, Norway,” a Eucom release said without providing any further details. “The Airmen will be a part of the advance team for scheduled missions in the coming weeks which will occur for a limited time. While at Orland, the airmen will conduct operations in the High North and work with allies and partners across the European theater,” reported Stars & Stripes.Ørland is just over 300 miles from the Arctic Circle, about a half-hour’s flight time for a B-1. This means that Russia’s military complexes on the Kola Peninsula are well within strike range for the big bombers, a fact that the Russians undoubtedly will take notice of. According to a report in “The War Zone” website, “the deployment signals the Air Force’s increasing commitment to working alongside NATO allies and other partners on Russia’s northwest borders as well as its ability to work in the High North.” Sputnik reports the Russian Embassy in Oslo earlier said that the activation of a foreign military presence in Norway, including the placement of U.S. strategic bombers, doesn’t contribute to overall stability in the region. It also pledged to monitor the situation and vowed to implement measures to defend the security of its country and region.
In less than a week, the three exciting, much-anticipated visits to Mars are set to begin. On Feb. 9, the “Hope Mars” probe launched by the United Arab Emirates will reach Mars. On Feb. 10 China’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft will reach and enter Mars’ orbit. The craft weighs five tons, and will slow down its engines enough to be tugged into Mars’ gravitational pull. On Feb. 18, NASA’s Perseverance rover is to make its landing onto the surface of Mars.Taken together, these achievements signify humanity’s potential to develop, and increase “natural” resources, on Mars, the Moon, here on Earth, and untold places beyond. As the saying goes, “the sky’s the limit,” and in fact, mankind has the power to literally expand the sky! What we urgently need, is to turn this spirit loose on Earth right now. What stands in the way is the anti-human, anti-development movement, ironically named “green,” which is downgrading production and conditions of life, insisting there are limits to growth. They hold that people foul the universe. Implementing this outlook is the fast track to de-population and war. Among the reasons this green thinking, embodied in the “Davos Agenda” of the Great Reset—now defensively renamed Stakeholder Capitalism—is being pushed so hard is that the financial system serving its core originators and backers is itself blowing out. The ESG con game (“environment, social issues, and governance”) offers them the prospect of short-term green bubbles, while they plot to put in place dictatorship over what’s left of the human race. What is required is a new system of financial practices of credit and investment, deployed in the interests of building up the productivity and achievements of nations and peoples. The thinking and programs of statesman economist Lyndon LaRouche have never been so necessary. There is a dramatic demand for his outlook and policies, ranging from activists in France—the Yellow Vests, sovereignists, and other groups—to the millions of disenfranchised in the United States, to the farmers in India. In the United States, the latest green push is to shift agriculture policy away from food and fiber production, into “carbon sequestration,” for contributing to an early “Net Zero” of CO₂. At his Senate hearing yesterday for Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack—who never knew a policy he couldn’t peddle—gushed how committed he is to change over from traditional agriculture to the new green mandate. For example, he said he can’t wait to use the FDR-era Commodities Credit Corporation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which has some $30 billion in it, for a new purpose of funding carbon reduction programs, not commodities. Thus, the 75-year-old agency, which has been concerned, however effectively or not, with real farmers, real food needs (such as school lunch programs) and real food—butter, wheat, corn—is now to be a destructive kook operation. Vilsack told the Senators that the CCC is “a great tool to pursue what will encourage carbon capture. I hope you would allow me the opportunity to utilize that.” Instead of this insanity, we need the “spirit of Mars” to guide a mobilization to deal with the pandemic and famine, and, in the course of that mobilization, to establish a high-productivity economy in the process. Today an internet seminar was held, centered in Germany, on this perspective, focusing on the need for rapidly building a world health security system. Speakers reported on lessons from China’s experience, including the physical logistics involved, as well as the emergency financial measures that must be taken for accomplishing these goals. It requires a whole new paradigm of thinking, said Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who gave the keynote address. She stressed international collaboration, not the conflict politics which endanger full scale war. An example of the new paradigm, of leadership in the mutual interests of nations comes from Argentina. President Alberto Fernández earlier this week spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin. They discussed not only the need for more Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina, but joint projects of various kinds in the future, including infrastructure and aerospace. Fernández has accepted an invitation to visit Moscow. In May, Fernández will be in Beijing conferring on cooperative ventures. China has sent 42 planeloads to Argentina in an air-bridge bringing medical supplies to fight the coronavirus. Zepp-LaRouche said yesterday in a briefing with European associates, "The only way the world will get out of this absolutely insane mess it’s in right now, is a new paradigm around cooperation around fighting the pandemic: There is not going to be any solution if there is not a modern health system in every country, and that must be the beginning of overcoming the underdevelopment in the developing sector and the so-called Global South. And obviously, for Germany and other European countries—as Hungary has already done—to start overcoming their ideological prejudices and actually cooperate on such lifesaving questions as fighting COVID-19, is a very important step. I think it also reflects the fact that, as [Chancellor Angela] Merkel said in her speech to the virtual Davos, that she is not interested in having new blocs being built, and she even mentioned in her speech, ‘the Great Reset, do we really need that?’…. “So I think all of that makes our task more urgent, more clear, because the time bomb is ticking. The danger of a blowout of the system is clearly in the air. The madness of what it would mean if there is more green policy, green transformation, means the end of European and U.S. industry, so we are not in the least in safe quarters. There are only tiny silver linings on the horizon in the cooperation around the vaccines and we should build on it.”
Seguramente, la historia reflexionará sobre el estado de la civilización occidental a principios del siglo 21, con asombro y confusión. ¿Cómo --se preguntará la historia—pudo una civilización que produjo tales saltos en el conocimiento científico, una música y una poesía tan profundas, un sistema política basado en los derechos del hombre y no en los derechos de una oligarquía, cómo pudo tal civilización caer tan lejos, tan rápidamente?El Congreso en Estados Unidos, una nación que una vez representó lo más alto de la cultura occidental, ha desechado a la razón misma. Un Presidente senil llama por la unidad, mientras que su partido declara que todos los miembros del partido de oposición que ejercieron su derechos constitucional de cuestionar el evidente fraude electoral generalizado, son culpables de insurrección, mientras que impulsan un proceso de juicio político anticonstitucional en contra de un ciudadano particular, que una vez fue Presidente, con la intención de privar de sus derechos a sus 75 millones de partidarios, declarándolo incapacitado para hacer campaña para ningún cargo público. Las personas que aplaudieron a la turba anarquista que destruyó grandes partes de ciudades estadounidenses durante todo el verano —quemando estaciones de policías y edificios federales, asesinando policías— están hablando de que una manifestación preparada de antemano contra el Capitolio de EU, repleta de agentes del FBI, que sea el equivalente de la guerra de la Confederación contra la República, o incluso la guerra de Al-Qaeda contra la civilización. Lo que está detrás de esto es la bancarrota absoluta del sistema financiero occidental, en tanto que los banqueros que dirigen ese sistema imponen una nueva forma de dictadura fascista a las otrora naciones soberanas de la civilización occidental. De aquí en adelante, declaran los banqueros, la política económica no serán dirigidas por los representantes electos por el pueblo, sino por los mismos banqueros, en un “cambio de régimen” del sistema financiero occidental. Ya no se va a emitir crédito en proyectos que promuevan el interés nacional, para la producción de bienes y servicios que se requieren para avanzar el bienestar general, ni siquiera para aumentar la motivación económica de los empresarios, sino únicamente en conformidad con su intención de acabar con la sociedad industrial para salvar al planeta de las emisiones de carbono, con base a la mezcla de insensateces anticientíficas más absurda que hemos conocido desde la Edad de Piedra. La aristocracia maltusiana del castillo de Windsor está encantada con su plan macabro para llevar a la población del mundo a lo que ellos imaginan como la “capacidad de carga” de la Tierra, que está en el rango de un mil a 2 mil millones de personas. En el proceso, Wall Street y la City de Londres están creando una nueva “burbuja ecológica verde”, en un intento desesperado para oxigenar y mantener por unos meses más al sistema bancario en bancarrota. ¿Cómo es posible esto? Las drogas tienen algo que ver con esto. La destrucción de la cultura clásica y el advenimiento de la era de la fealdad, tiene muchísimo que ver con esto. El control total que ejercen unos satánicos sobre los medios y el sistema también ha contribuido, para hacer realidad el sueño de Bertrand Russell, de poder convencer a la gente de que la nieve es negra. La Organización de LaRouche, y la Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) publicaran la semana próxima un documentopara exponer este nuevofascismo ecologista verde, y para proporcionar las ideas necesarias para derrotarlo. Tenemos poco tiempo; el mundo se enfrenta hoy a una crisis general de desintegración social, y al peligro extremo de una nueva guerra mundial, que en la era de las armas termonucleares, podría acabar con toda la civilización. Por otro lado, si las ideas que hicieron posible que surgiera el Renacimiento Dorado, que impulsaron el Renacimiento Confuciano de la Dinastía Song, que fomentaron las eras de Renacimiento de la cultura islámica y de la cultura india, si estas ideas poderosas pueden ponerse al frente, como sucedió luego de las anteriores eras de tinieblas, entonces el mundo puede unirse y trabajar por una era de paz por medio del desarrollo, el desarrollo de la Tierra, de nuestro sistema solar, y más allá. Las ideas de Lyndon LaRouche están hoy más vivas que durante su vida. Él dijo una vez que cuando el mundo se enfrente a una crisis de desintegración, la gente va a voltear a su alrededor en búsqueda de quienes han venido diciendo la verdad, en vez de las mentiras que nos trajeron el colapso. No hay solución alguna para ninguna de las partes de esta crisis sin que se solucione toda la crisis global, e irónicamente, una solución como esa es hoy más accesible que nunca antes, precisamente porque el alcance de esta crisis de la humanidad está sin duda delante de nosotros. Los Presidentes de China y Rusia abordaron esa verdad en sus discursos ente el Foro de Davos la semana pasada, los cuales se van a publicar en el próximo ejemplar de la revista EIR. Helga Zepp-LaRouche abordó esa verdad en su discurso del día de Martin Luther King el pasado 18 de enero. Su discurso se publicó en la edición de EIR del 29 de enero. (Una unión más perfecta por medio de la Coincidencia de los Opuestos: Ya es tiempo de que todos los hombres y mujeres actúen, para que dominen estas ideas profundas, por el bien del potencial inmortal de la humanidad.
Two days ago, Argentine President Alberto Fernández spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin for a broad-ranging discussion on topics of mutual interest, key among which was the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. Argentina has already acquired almost 1 million doses of Sputnik V, has begun its national vaccination campaign, and is scheduled to receive much larger quantities weekly for some months. At the same time, Fernández has been in contact with Chinese President Xi Jinping to pin down a contract for the first 1 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine, with a goal of eventually purchasing 30 million doses. For the past year, Argentina has maintained an effective “air bridge” with China, receiving a total of 42 planeloads of medical supplies needed to combat the coronavirus pandemic.Fernández’s discussion with Putin covered a range of topics, including Russian investments in infrastructure and aerospace as well as an invitation to Fernández to visit Russia, which he readily accepted. Fernández thanked Putin effusively for providing his nation with Sputnik V and said he hoped to receive as much as possible as it has proven to be so effective, Página 12 reported him as saying. The report published by the British medical journal The Lancet confirming Sputnik V’s safety and effectiveness has received wide coverage in Argentina, much to the chagrin of the neoliberal political opposition which has attacked both the Russian and Chinese vaccines. Putin promised not only to continue meeting the terms of the contract with Argentina, but also to also make Sputnik V available to other Ibero-American nations. Fernández pointed out that Putin’s display of solidarity toward developing nations is very different from “other” unnamed nations that make it impossible for vaccines to be exported. The Russian leader further stated that he was very pleased at how joyfully Sputnik V had been received by the Argentine public—an exuberance also seen among Bolivians last weekend when the first 20,000 doses of Sputnik V arrived in that country. Vaccine production is being ramped up in Russia, and Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russia Direct Investment Fund, the sovereign investment fund, announced in a press conference that he is already in discussion with several Argentine companies, “so that we can produce Sputnik V [in the country]…. We will sign contracts with some producers,” so that production can begin in the next three months, Cronista Comercial reported him saying Feb. 2. Dmitriev wouldn’t name the companies involved, as negotiations are ongoing, but said they are “highly qualified.” The AstraZeneca vaccine is already being produced in Argentina by the national mAbxience lab.
American patriots would be well advised to heed Lyndon LaRouche's admonition to "Know Your Enemy". The forces behind the four-year regime change effort against President Trump are escalating their efforts to topple the governments of Putin in Russia and Xi in China.
Whatever happened to the plea for unity? With impeachment, censorship and rancor undermining any prospect for a constructive dialogue to address the collapse of the economy and financial system, the Biden team seems to be hoping it can forge a unity among the War Hawks in both parties, for regime change and war with Russia and China.
Ignore the chatter that the GameStop stock battle is over whether to "democratize" trading, and let the "little guy get a piece of the action." The real story, which will never be reported, is that the financial system is bankrupt, and a "full-fledged epic bubble" is about to pop, according to Jeremy Grantham.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into a law a bill extending the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) until February 5, 2026. “The Federal Law ratifies the Agreement on Renewing the Treaty between Russia and the United States on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms dated April 8, 2010; the Agreement was concluded on January 26, 2021 between Russia and the United States in the form of an exchange of notes,” the Kremlin press service said in a statement published on its website.“Renewing the Treaty meets the national interests of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to maintain the transparency and predictability of strategic relations between Russia and the United States and to support global strategic stability; it will have a beneficial effect on the international situation, and contribute to the nuclear disarmament process.” the statement concludes. On Jan. 26, Moscow and Washington exchanged notes on extending New START. Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Joseph Biden of the United States welcomed the move in a telephone call. On the same day, Putin submitted a bill on extending New START for five years to the State Duma, which passed it. Commenting on Putin’s signing of the bill, a representative of the U.S. State Department told TASS on Jan. 29: “There are still steps that should be finalized. But we are optimistic that the extension [of the document], which obviously meets our national security interests, will be finalized before expiration [of the document] on Feb. 5.”
By Harley Schlanger Jan. 29 -- For those globalist oligarchs who spent four years obsessively focused on removing Donald Trump from the Presidency, the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden should have been a moment of immense relief. While Trump was prevented from carrying out his plans for a full, decisive break with the strategic orientation of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, largely due to the fabricated Russiagate narrative, he repeatedly interfered with their plans, and his "unpredictability" made him a constant threat to inflict more damage. His intent to collaborate closely with Putin and Russia represented a danger to the designs of the British-led imperial forces, to keep the world divided along classic geopolitical lines, while his withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement -- a central feature of Obama's anti-China "Asia Pivot" -- disrupted years'-long plans for eliminating the ability of sovereign nations to exert control over their economic and trade policies. Yet, after removing Trump from his role as Commander-in-Chief, the anti-Trump forces continued to move aggressively to destroy him and the movement, which produced seventy-five million votes for him in the 2020 election.Sign up to the LaRouche Organization Using the pretext of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, he was impeached a second time, without even a preliminary investigation of what actually occurred, which would have shown that intelligence and security agencies -- such as the CIA and FBI -- likely had a hand in provoking the deadly events of that day. Further, a heavy-handed escalation of the "surveillance state" is underway, which includes calls for more aggressive monitoring of "right-wing" groups, through passing a new, more extensive "Patriot Act"; censorship of social media platforms by the Big Tech accomplices of the "Military Industrial Complex"; and the designation of Trump supporters as "violent thugs" and "terrorists." At the same time, troops remain stationed in Washington, allegedly to protect the Capitol from those accused of preparing a violent assault during the coming impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. In the background is the continuous drone of QAnon-related voices, with their insistent claims that Biden is not the President, that the military has been empowered by Trump to impose martial law by secretly invoking the Insurrection Act, and that Biden, Hillary Clinton and thousands of others will be arrested and tried before military tribunals, in preparation for his return, in March or April. The Q "interpreters" are calling on Trump's supporters to continue to "Trust the Plan" -- which provides the anti-Trump forces with a justification for an ongoing demonization of his supporters, and a pretext for a more militant crackdown against them. To step back for a moment, the whole situation bears an eerie resemblance to a Hollywood script, with the United States being turned into a Banana Republic, in which those who fabricated Russia-gate and the Ukraine impeachment fiascos are portrayed as the guardians of democracy, protecting the nation against fascist mobs, justifying the use of the tools of a dictatorship to protect a fragile republic. It should lead a sensible citizen to ask, "Why the overkill? What is really going on here?" The Davos Agenda The answer begins with the intent of those financial, corporate and intelligence networks behind Biden to rapidly push ahead the genocidal "Green Agenda", which had been delayed by the Trump presidency. Within hours after his inauguration, Biden enacted measures and issued numerous Executive Orders which reversed Trump policies, which had been taken to prevent the further deterioration of the nation into a post-industrial rubbish heap. Biden reinstated the U.S. in the anti-growth Paris Climate Accord, cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline project, signed several other Executive Orders coherent with a Green policy, and signaled his support to Congressional allies to proceed with the anti-growth "Green New Deal", based on the premise that advances in efficient industrial and agricultural production are the cause of climate change. The global component of this was an online conference of the World Economic Forum (WEF) of the Davos billionaires, from January 25 to 29, in which corporate leaders from around the world were joined by leading heads of state, to proclaim allegiance to a shift to a "sustainable" energy future. Presented as an emergency policy to prevent devastating climate disasters, based on the false claims that CO2 emissions threaten human survival, the impetus behind this is a fifty-plus year campaign by neo-Malthusians to reduce the world's population, using the fraudulent claim that there are "too many" people engaged in a struggle over "too few" resources. Typical of this is the assertion of leading Malthusian Prince Charles, that "Humanity...has caused immense destruction to the planet that sustains us." The problem facing the Davos crowd is that, despite years of Fake Science propaganda blaming human beings for the destruction of Mother Nature -- the line pushed by the British monarchy, under the leadership of Prince Philip and Prince Charles, and now with the support of leading financial and corporate CEOs -- many nations are resisting the demands to transform their economies, through the imposition of killer austerity policies and deindustrialization. The devastating effects of the COVID pandemic, which was initially seen as creating an impetus to enable a "Just Transition" out of fossil-fuel and nuclear technologies into "sustainable" sources, has created concern for the WEF's Klaus Schwab, who expressed his fears that nation's will reassert their authority to direct resources to fight the pandemic, instead of submitting to "global governance." To counter this potential reassertion of the use of sovereignty to defend lives, the Davos cabal, under the direction of Prince Charles, Schwab, former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, Sir Michael Bloomberg, and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, has organized an extensive network of CEOs of leading private financial and other corporate cartels, to agree to a top-down policy of cutting credit to businesses and enterprises with a "carbon footprint," while using the credit-generating power of central banks to produce a flood of liquidity to finance the shift to a "green" economy. While bragging about the opportunity created by committing $30 trillion in capital funds for this transformation, it has not escaped notice that only .8% of these funds are being offered to nations in Asia and Eurasia, as these nations remain committed to improving infrastructure, particularly in energy production, transportation and chemistry (for example, fertilizer production), to improve the lives of their citizens, which is unacceptable in the dystopian future concocted by the Davos oligarchs. Opposition Emerges Among Sovereign States Resistance to the Davos reset was evident in addresses by China's President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin, both of whom warned that growing economic inequality is a greater danger to humanity than the threats invented by the Fake Science behind climate change. In his speech, Xi, while stating that China is taking aggressive measures to combat pollution, insisted that the present crisis calls for advances in science and technology, especially in infrastructure development in the former colonial nations, in which he included modern health care systems as a priority, given the threat from the pandemic. China is addressing its future energy needs not by returning to feudal "sustainable" systems, such as inefficient wind and solar technologies, but by building clean coal plants and nuclear power plants, including nuclear fusion, which are scheduled to provide nearly 100% of China's power needs in the near future. To meet the needs of growing populations in the developing sector, he insisted that a multilateral approach is required, meaning that the attempt to use funding to blackmail poor nations into accepting the unilateral approach of austerity through the "sustainable future" demanded by Davos, is unacceptable. Putin was more explicit in his warning that there is a danger of war if there is no commitment to real economic development, of the type rejected by Davos. "There is a chance," he said, "that we will face a formidable breakdown in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values...but fundamental freedoms." Elaborating on this latter point, he explicitly denounced measures employed by "Big Tech" to suppress free speech and free press in some countries -- an obvious reference to censorship in the U.S. -- while allowing the same platforms to be used for regime change in other countries, as in the backing for Navalny's opposition forces in Russia. He also denounced the great transfer of wealth to 1% of the population, an obvious reference to the financial policies in the TransAtlantic region, where virtually free money is provided by central banks to speculators, who prosper from the resulting speculative bubbles, while imposing crushing debt on the real economy and poverty on the vast majority of the population. Given what Xi and Putin presented, as a defense of governments pursuing the sovereign interests of their nations through multilateral dialogue, it is no surprise that those behind Davos are providing funding and logistical support for regime change operations against them, to defend their utopian plans for a world order dominated by global corporatist interests. Whither the United States? It is those same corporate interests which were behind the ouster of Donald Trump, and the drive to crush his movement. That a strong, sovereign U.S., committed to the scientific and technological development explicit in Trump's commitment to a Kennedy-style space program and a robust return to a future based on nuclear energy, could join in a cooperative alliance with Russia and China, is the source of fear, which led his enemies to the fraudulent measures employed to crush that potential. It is an alliance of four powers -- the U.S., Russia, China and India -- as proposed by American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, which is necessary to realize that potential, and which can mobilize the economic and military power to defeat the modern British Empire, which include the City of London, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, the leading forces behind the Davos "Great Reset". This raises the question in the minds of the Malthusian oligarchs if Biden will be able to extinguish the desire for economic growth which was sparked by Trump's moves in that direction. It is unlikely that Americans will embrace a further reduction in living standards, resulting from the Davos demands for a "sustainable future", as most Americans still retain an optimistic sense that the key to future prosperity is to be found in advances in science and technology applied to physical production, and will reject austerity for the sake of enriching those already wallowing in wealth, if there is an alternative visible. To provide leadership to that innate set of beliefs, the LaRouche movement is producing a White Paper which exposes the intent of the Davos oligarchs in their desire to reduce the world's population. The paper will be published by the Executive Intelligence Review and the Schiller Institute, complete with charts and graphs to demonstrate the deadly effects of reducing the energy-flux density of power production worldwide, along with a review of the history of the Malthusians and their commitment to population reduction. Lyndon LaRouche devoted fifty years to organizing opposition to the efforts of the British empire to stifle economic development and reverse scientific advance. As a result of his emergence as a leader in this fight globally, in which he combined exposure of these nefarious, anti-human operations, with dozens of specific plans for regional and multi-continental development projects, he was targeted by the same forces which later ran the regime change operations against President Trump, and was slandered and eventually unjustly imprisoned. This new report complements an earlier report published by the LaRouche movement, "The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New, Productive Jobs." In combination with the new report, those in the U.S. committed to restoring the productive power of the U.S. economy will possess the blueprint which can enable them to join forces with leaders of other sovereign nation states, to crush the genocidal intentions of the Davos establishment, and facilitate a shift into a New Paradigm, in which a multilateral effort to achieve the Common Aims of Mankind defeats those impelled by their Satanic impulses to commit mass murder to defend their bankrupt and collapsing world order.
Tulsi Gabbard, who did not run to keep her seat in the Congress last November, is nonetheless continuing her very useful role as a true nonpartisan campaigner. In fact, it can be said that she is an example of what Lyndon LaRouche fought for—the end of the two-party system. Today she issued a tweet: “It’s not surprising that the Senate approved Blinken as Secretary of State. After all, he is a warmonger as are most senators in both parties.” True indeed.Ann Wright, a veteran Army officer and a U.S. diplomat who resigned in 2003 in protest to the Bush war on Iraq, has also called for Americans of all political stripes to join in calling on President Joe Biden to continue President Donald Trump’s suspension of U.S.-South Korean military exercises. “These military exercises have been suspended since 2018, but Gen. Robert B. Abrams, commander of U.S. Forces in Korea, has renewed the call for the full resumption of the joint war drills,” Wright wrote in a Truthout column Jan. 27 “and Biden’s secretary of state nominee Antony Blinken has said suspending them was a mistake. Rather than acknowledge how these joint military exercises have proven to raise tensions and provoke actions by North Korea, Blinken has criticized the suspension of the exercises as an appeasement of North Korea. And despite the failure of the Trump administration’s”maximum pressure" campaign against North Korea…, Blinken insists more pressure is what’s needed to achieve North Korea’s denuclearization." Her article was reprinted today in Consortium News. Today the “bipartsan” U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), which has always been a rabid anti-China voice from the Congress, issued its first report under President Biden, openly supporting the absurd claim made by Mike Pompeo (his final “scorched-earth” declaration before leaving office) that China is guilty of “genocide” in Xinjiang. Whereas anyone who has visited Xinjiang knows that it is now a zone of peace and rapid development, without any of the terrorist assaults nor of the abject poverty of previous decades, the spokesperson for the USCC asserted that China is “flatly denying the genocide the U.S. Department of State and many experts have accused it of carrying out against the Uygurs as well as lying about forced labour, detention and torture, and the destruction of religious sites, all of which have been well-documented.” “Well-documented” in the normal manner of the Washington Post and New York Times—i.e., no documentation whatsoever. What good is a two-party system when both parties are subservient to the military-industrial complex, and both parties follow the insane monetarist policies dictated by the City of London and Wall Street? We now have the “Green New Deal” adopted by the Wall Street puppet Joe Biden, a clearly defined policy to turn sovereign economic policy over to the leading financial institutions, to cut credit to industry and agriculture while printing trillions of dollars (and pounds and euros) to bail out those same financial institutions from their current bankrupt state, while also pumping up a new bubble, this time in the useless and wasteful “green” sector, to counter a non-existent “global warming.” Any doubters of this fact must take the time to read Biden’s “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” certainly written by the same financial institutions to which it provides such unconstitutional power. (See ) The fact that both the left-anarchist “Antifa” and the right-anarchist “Proud Boys” have been easily shown to be led by FBI assets, must be taken seriously by all citizens, both in the U.S. and in Europe, where parallel institutions are also being deployed to break down the power of sovereign states. We hear cries of “unity” from Biden, while his party is pressing the unconstitutional impeachment of the former President and declaring all his 75 million voters “suspect.” Both parties are experiencing fundamental fissures. It is time to dump what LaRouche called the “two-potty” system. Real unity is required, both within the U.S. and internationally, to address the existential issues facing mankind in this moment of an unprecedented crisis of civilization—the global pandemic; the ongoing famine; a financial bubble many multiples of any previous bubble, which could explode at any moment; the threat of new “regime change” colonial wars under the former Bush and Obama war party; and even the rising danger of thermonuclear war if the fanatics who declare Russia and China to be adversaries rather than partners are to prevail. Both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin described both the dangers, if the current divisions persist, and the potential for cooperation, if people can rise to the historic task, in their speeches to the World Economic Forum (both virtually ignoring the “Green Finance” theme of that conference). This movement represents the cultural and political direction required for the required unity. Both the cultural and the political aspects will be fully addressed in The LaRouche Organization Manhattan Project Meeting “Poetry As a Weapon: How Robert Burns Defeated the British Empire of the Mind” on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. EST. Join us, and bring others, at
The United States has, as of Wednesday January 27, 2001, officially entered into the process of Green Finance, the “Great Reset” launched by Prince Charles, former Bank of England chief Mark Carney, BlackRock’s Larry Fink, and others, which is self- evidently a policy for mass-depopulation of the human race, at home and abroad. The Executive Order signed by the faux president, Joe Biden, “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” repeats several times, in different contexts, that the Administration will “immediately begin to develop a climate finance plan, making strategic use of multilateral and bilateral channels and institutions, to assist developing countries in implementing ambitious emissions reduction measures, protecting critical ecosystems, building resilience against the impacts of climate change, and promoting the flow of capital toward climate-aligned investments and away from high-carbon investments.” This will in fact “assist developing countries” to give up any hope of escaping from poverty, while imposing a level of austerity in the midst of a pandemic and famine which will cause millions of deaths in the short term.Most developing countries have grossly inadequate health systems. Most lack dependable electricity, even in the major cities, or have no electricity at all in large portions of their nations. The same is true for clean water. What little electricity they have is almost entirely from coal-fired power plants. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, has launched a “Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites” to mobilize the resources—the health community, the military, and the agricultural community—within the United States and other nations, to provide an adequate health capacity for all the nations on Earth, both for moral reasons and for the obvious fact that defeating the pandemic requires defeating it everywhere. It is also self-evident that to have such an adequate health capacity also requires access to uninterrupted electricity, clean water, transportation, and other infrastructure. If the Executive Order prepared for Biden is implemented, none of this will be possible, and the dream of Prince Philip and his Malthusian son Charles for depopulating the Earth will be realized. It will also signal that the dream of the British Empire since the 18th Century—to retake control of the upstart republic in the Americas—will have been finally accomplished. Nor is this only a death sentence for poor countries—the Executive Order demands a “carbon pollution-free electricity sector no later than 2035” for the US. For those who imagine the US economy and its population can survive on solar panels and windmills, prepare for blackouts, economic disintegration, and social instability which will make the antifa/BLM rioting, arson, and looting last year, as well as the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol Building, pale by comparison. There is one big problem confronting the Malthusians, which has been identified by the new Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and by the UK’s self-appointed crusader against China, Nigel Farage, and others: China is building coal-fired plants—clean coal—both within China and all over the world, for the simple reason that, to transform poor nations into modern industrial states, as China has done in such a spectacular manner within its own borders, requires massive new infrastructure, which in turn requires exponential increases in electricity. While the Chinese are pursuing vast increases in nuclear power, and extensive research (with international cooperation) into the development of fusion power, they recognize that the human race must expand the use of fossil fuels in the meantime, to drive the world economy forward, to meet the vast needs of the world’s citizenry. The fake-science “Big Lie” that carbon, the food of our plant life, is overheating the Earth, repeated ad nauseum by Biden and his controllers, is widely believed, but with paper-thin understanding. As the devastating impact of the new fascist economy sinks in, and as both major political parties are in a state of dissolution, the serious members of the population will be looking for those who have been telling them the truth, and who know the required solutions. This is the time for the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, his Four Laws, his Four Powers, and his “Think Like Beethoven.” For a glimpse of the fundamental role of classical culture in political progress, seen through the eyes of Abraham Lincoln and Robert Burns, watch the presentation on the subject by Gerald Belsky on the website of The LaRouche Organization.
Friday Questions -- Don't believe everything you hear. The cabal which ran Russiagate thinks it won, but it is a Pyrrhic victory, which will be overturned not by a secret plan organized by "good guys" in the military and intelligence, but by a mobilization of the American people. Questions include, Do you think Trump is still the President?
Mankind is clearly facing a kind of existential moment with the intended swift imposition of the Green New Deal and Global Reset, so how must we think in order to steal the reigns of the future out of the hands of a global, murderous, imperial system? Abraham Lincoln, who fought against that same imperial threat, turned time and time again to the poets in his back pocket, William Shakespeare and Robert Burns, to feed his ability to think and outflank his enemy wherever confronted. We must do the same.
The stream of propaganda from supporters of the global banker's dictatorship being shaped at Davos, which claims that they have won, and that resistance is futile, is FALSE.
Appearing Jan. 25 on Rachel Maddow’s show— where he and his host had earlier shared a chortle about Trump’s “stupidity” in taking on the intelligence community—the pathetic Sen. Chuck Schumer said “It might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency.” Despite the Democratic control of both houses of Congress, Schumer urged the move so that Biden has the ability to “do many, many things under the emergency powers … that he could do without legislation.”
“There are no direct parallels in history” for the present time, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speech at the Davos Agenda forum. "However, some experts … compare the current situation to the 1930s…. As you are aware, the inability and unwillingness to find substantive solutions to problems like this in the 20th century led to the World War II catastrophe. Of course, such a heated global conflict is impossible in principle, I hope. That is what I am pinning my hopes on, because this would be the end of humanity. However, as I have said, the situation could take an unexpected and uncontrollable turn— unless we do something to prevent this. There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family … but fundamental freedoms….“We have a shared responsibility to prevent this scenario, which looks like a grim dystopia, and to ensure instead that our development takes a different trajectory— positive, harmonious and creative,” continued Putin, who then identified three great challenges confronting the international community: First, while the past decades have brought great improvements in living standards overall, the gains have largely been concentrated in a small number of people. Using a $5.50 per day income figure, he boasted that China reduced from 1.1 billion to 300 million the number of people below that poverty line, Russia from 64 million to 5 million, while the U.S. number increased from 2000 to 2016 from 3.6 million to 5.6 million. “But … in terms of corporate profits, who got hold of the revenue? The answer is clear: 1% of the population.” He addressed the economic malaise that has struck the “developed” countries with the past decades’ shift to financialization and environmentalism: “In the past 30 years, in a number of developed countries, the real incomes of over half of the citizens have been stagnating, not growing. Meanwhile, the cost of education and healthcare services has gone up. Do you know by how much? Three times.” The source of this imbalance? They “are a direct result of the policy pursued in the 1980s … the Washington Consensus.” The tools of some decades ago— stimulating consumption— can no longer work in a world where debt is double GDP globally and more than triple GDP in some countries, while interest rates are essentially zero and already at historic lows in many emerging market economies: “The so-called quantitative easing is only increasing the bubble of the value of financial assets and deepening the social divide.” The effect? “The rise of economic problems and inequality is splitting society, triggering social, racial and ethnic intolerance.” Second, Putin took on the looming question of the tech giants. “In some areas, they are de facto competing with states,” he said. “Their audiences consist of billions of users that pass a considerable part of their lives in these ecosystems.” “Society is wondering whether such monopolism meets public interests,” he asked, challenging the trend for such tech giants to “replace legal democratic institutions and essentially usurp or restrict the natural right of people to decide for themselves how to live, what to choose, and what position to express freely…. I am confident that the overwhelming majority of people share this position.” Third was the issue of international relations. Due to troubles at home, governments resort increasingly to enemy images, both domestically and abroad, with increasingly aggressive actions such as sanctions, trade wars, and restrictions. “Such a game with no rules critically increases the risk of unilateral use of military force.” To resolve the reasons for unstable global growth, Putin warns “It is clear that the world cannot continue creating an economy that will only benefit a million people, or even the golden billion…. The recent developments, including migration crises, have reaffirmed this once again.” “The reality is such that really different development centers with their distinctive models, political systems and public institutions have taken shape in the world. Today, it is very important to create mechanisms for harmonizing their interests to prevent … anarchy and a series of protracted conflicts,” Putin told his audience. Pointing to examples, he spoke of the Astana format of talks between Russia, Iran and Turkey to stabilize Syria; the end of bloodshed in Azerbaijan and Armenia with Russian intervention; and Russia-Saudi-U.S. cooperation on energy markets. Such cooperation is needed to support nations requiring help in achieving their testing and vaccination needs. Putin gave short shrift— just a few sentences— to the green theme of the conference, a theme against whose implementation he had essentially spent his speech inveighing. Responding to a question from forum organizer Klaus Schwab, Putin said that Europe and Russia, if they are able to rise above problems “inherited from past centuries” and look to the future, “we will certainly enjoy a positive stage in our relations.” “We are ready for this, we want this, and we will strive to make it happen,” he concluded. “But love is impossible if it is declared only by one side. It must be mutual.” The complete text of his speech is posted on the Kremlin website:
While the utopian fascists of the globalist corporate elite have been planning to use the current Davos conference as the moment when they ram through their global banker’s dictatorship to impose a deadly Green New Deal, there are signs that an opposition is growing, centered around China and Russia, and including some elements in Europe. Describing the conference thus far as a “mixed bag”, Helga Zepp LaRouche said the oligarchs of high finance, who are promoting negative growth and population reduction, have run into the intention of leading nations which are not willing to surrender their sovereignty for the sake of “stakeholder capitalism.”
Join us LIVE on Thursday at 9pm EST. The independent candidacy of Diane Sare against Wall Street's Chuck Schumer provides Americans a national means of addressing the international “financial regime change” being discussed at this moment at the doomed World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, and implemented by the Biden Administration's rejoining of the Paris Accords. The self-cannibalization process under way in the trans-Atlantic sector, expressed both in the attack on heavy industry and power generation, and the refusal, so far, to respond to the coronavirus pandemic with a crash program to build and expand medical facilities, must be reversed. How can that be done, when the ostensible divisions and divergences among nations and sectors within nations seem insurmountable?
The conversation yesterday between Russian President Putin and Joe Biden had one positive outcome, an agreement to extend the START Treaty, set to expire next week, for five years. However, Biden's lecture to Putin about a series of alleged "malign actions" by Russia reflects a return to the provocative policies of the Bush and Obama administrations, which put the U.S. on a course toward war with Russia. Instead, since both nations face a common enemy, i.e., the globalists of Davos who are moving to impose a global banker's dictatorship called the "Great Reset", the proper approach to relations between the two superpowers would be to take up LaRouche's proposal for a Four Power agreement, to establish a New Bretton Woods system and crush the City of London and its Wall Street allies.
This morning, former Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard tweeted her harshest warning yet, in her campaign insisting that President Biden, personally, must put a stop to the drive to rule through a police state:“The mob who stormed the Capitol to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country. But let us be clear, the John Brennan’s, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style ‘surveillance’ are also domestic enemies—and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob which stormed the Capitol,” she wrote. “President Biden, I call upon you & all of Congress from both parties to denounce efforts by Brennan & others to take away our civil liberties endowed to us by our Creator & guaranteed in our Constitution. If you don’t stand up to them now, then our country will be in great peril.” On Monday, she asked the President: “Have you declared martial law? Because that is what it’s starting to look and feel like” in Washington, D.C. Included in the tweet was her interview with Fox’s Watters World program, in which she denounced the completely unnecessary militarization of our nation’s capital for the inauguration, which sent the message to the American people and to the world that the U.S. capital was under siege. But worse, officials in Washington now say that they plan to keep an “enduring presence” of thousands of soldiers in our nation’s capital. This should disturb everyone, she said, as she emphasized with clear anger: an “enduring presence… That sounds a lot like what we have been doing overseas.”
Klaus Schwab had invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to give what he labeled the “keynote” to his World Economic Forum, this year devoted to Schwab’s “Great Reset” gambit. Given the economic role of China in the world today, which is still suffering the economic effects of the COVID crisis, President Xi, who also had addressed the Davos Forum, last year, used the opportunity to present China’s ideas on which direction the world should travel in its fight to overcome COVID and reviving world economic growth.Expressing confidence that the world would overcome the pandemic, Xi stated that things would not simply return to what they were pre-COVID, in his speech, which he titled, “Let the Torch of Multilateralism Light Up Humanity’s Way Forward.” The first task before mankind, he said, was to use macroeconomic policy “to bring the economy out of the woods.” “We need to shift the driving forces and growth models of the global economy and improve its structure, so as to set the course for long-term, sound and steady development of the world economy.” Secondly, countries will have to “abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a path of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.” Countries are diverse and have diverse cultures and civilizations, Xi said, and that diversity should be respected since it is the source of the world’s strength. No should impose a “hierarchy” on civilizations or try to impose their system on others, he warned. Xi also said the world must come together to confront global challenges, citing COVID and climate change as two of the major issues. He elaborated some of his own vision for the world coming out of COVID, calling for adherence to the international rule of law, maintaining cooperation rather than confrontation, rejecting decoupling and a new “Cold War” mentality. and keeping pace with the changing times in international institutions and policies. He expressed China’s support for the World Health Organization, but called for a reform of the World Trade Organization and the international financial and monetary system “in a way that boosts global economic growth and protects the development rights, interests and opportunities of developing countries.” He also reiterated that China would remain open to the world and would contribute its own ideas to these reforms. And while saying that countries should live up to their commitments in the Paris agreements, and that China was committed to “peak” its carbon emissions by 2030 (the earlier date set for this) even though it would be difficult, he also gave an indication of their motivation. “We are doing this as a concrete action to uphold multilateralism and as a contribution to protecting our shared home and realizing sustainable development of humanity,” Xi said. The road China will take is not through imposing austerity on its people, but on rapidly moving forward with the development of science and technology. “Science, technology and innovation is a key engine for human progress, a powerful weapon in tackling many global challenges, and the only way for China to foster a new development paradigm and achieve high-quality development,” Xi said. “China will invest more in science and technology, develop an enabling system for innovation as a priority, turn breakthroughs in science and technology into actual productivity at a faster pace, and enhance intellectual property protection, all for the purpose of fostering innovation-driven, higher-quality growth.” In conclusion, Xi reiterated his call for a new type of international relations: “Zero-sum game or winner-takes-all is not the guiding philosophy of the Chinese people. As a staunch follower of an independent foreign policy of peace, China is working hard to bridge differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through negotiation and to pursue friendly and cooperative relations with other countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. As a steadfast member of developing countries, China will further deepen South-South cooperation, and contribute to the endeavor of developing countries to eradicate poverty, ease debt burden, and achieve more growth. China will get more actively engaged in global economic governance and push for an economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.” The text of President Xi’s speech is available in various Chinese sites: Klaus Schwab and his “little green men” may think that they have the giant economy of China in their evil designs for a London financial takeover of the Green World Economy post-COVID through the “Green Reset,” because of the commitment of China to its own form of creating a “beautiful China.” But these “little men” with their little ideas have not quite understood that China’s view of the future world is somewhat different from their own and perhaps far grander than they could possibly imagine.
Unless we shift course, we are heading into the catastrophe of the pandemic going out of control, amidst famine, economic breakdown, and potential war. The world has passed the 100 million cases count of COVID-19, with over 2 million dead—statistics which are vastly understated. The problem isn’t this particular, nasty virus, or others lurking in wait, it’s the ideology preventing us from acting—those who are blind to it, and those who tolerate it. There are various expressions.For example, the “markets” ideology holds that patent rights, private profiteering, and competition must prevail, even unto death. Therefore, well over 95 percent of the vaccines so far are going to relatively well-off nations, and less than 5 percent to most of the rest of the world. This could be averted—with government involvement in licensing waivers, or fees, or other arrangements, for which there are precedents. But without collaborative action, the situation is hopeless. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chairman of the African Union, warned of this yesterday, in his address to the World Economic Forum (WEF), at its “Davos Agenda” week-long conference. He said that no nation is safe, if all nations aren’t safe. The worst expression of ideology comes from the backers of the Davos Agenda platform of meetings and propaganda, established over 50 years ago to promote the interests of the neo-British Empire. Over the past many months they have promoted the evil “Great Reset” for the economy, post-COVID-19, of building low-tech power, food, water, and other systems, and taking down efforts to build high tech advancements in these areas, in the name of preventing climate change. Their current concepts promote so-called green policies toward a Net Zero CO₂ Emissions Future, which if carried through, will result in mass depopulation. Today’s sessions featured a swarm of big-name financial bums, such as Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, and top officials from JP Morgan, the Central Bank of France, Standard Chartered, the IMF, and others. Their focus was the need to impose “universal metrics” on lending to economic activity, based on “ESG”—environment, social, and governance criteria, which they will set, in ways to downgrade the physical economy, inflate their own financial power, and loot the means to life for populations. BlackRock decrees that, in the name of “saving the planet,” financiers must now order governments regarding what they can and cannot do. In the new Biden Administration, there are two former top BlackRock officials in high office—Brian Deese, Chairman of the National Economic Council; and Wally Adeyemo, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Allow these networks and this thinking to continue, and we guarantee death by pandemic, starvation, or war. A step away from the brink was made today in the phone call between President Joe Biden, who initiated the call, and President Vladimir Putin. They concurred on extending the New Start treaty, of mutual arms limitations. Otherwise, according to the U.S. read-out, Biden chided Putin on contrived geopolitical charges, such as violating Ukraine, and mistreating Navalny. Another expression of sanity in international relations came from German Chancellor Angela Merkel today, in her address to the WEF event. She made headlines by siding with President Xi Jinping’s calls for a new system of multilateralism, in implicit opposition to President Biden’s efforts to form a global anti-China bloc. Xi gave a keynote at the Jan. 25 Davos Agenda opening. Merkel said, “The Chinese president spoke yesterday, and he and I agree on that. We see a need for multilateralism…I would very much wish to avoid the building of blocs. I don’t think it would do justice to many societies if we were to say this is the United States and over there is China, and we are grouping around either the one or the other. This is not my understanding of how things ought to be….” The Schiller Institute is taking aim directly at the green, killer “Great Re-set” ideology in a forthcoming reveal-all report by an international team. This goes in tandem with the economic report from May, 2020, “The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy; The World Needs 1.5 Billion New, Productive Jobs.” Helga Zepp LaRouche, speaking with collaborators today, described these reports and related initiatives as part of putting upfront international collaboration to build a world health system. This is the lever we need to force a paradigm shift to change history for the common good.