The only possible outcome of the October 31-Nov 12 Glasgow 26 “Halloween” Climate Summit, will be the mutually- assured self-destruction of the nations of the transatlantic world, as well as others intimidated enough to be compliant with the Conference’s unattainable goals. Russia, China, India, and several other nations have already made known their intent to ignore many of the daft draft proposals. The antidote to this ghoulish outlook is contained in the book {There Are No Limits to Growth} written by Schiller Institute co-founder Lyndon LaRouche and published by the Club of Life. A panel will engages in a symposium-style discussion. Speakers include scientists and academicians Dr. Kelvin Kemm, Dr. Maria Assunção Arraújo, Prof. Jacob Goldsmith, as well as organizers Anastasia Battle, Kynan Thistlethwaite and others