HARLEY SCHLANGER: Welcome to the Schiller Institute conference, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” I’m Harley Schlanger, and I will moderate the first panel, which is entitled “The March of Folly: Can Mankind Still Extinguish the Now-Lit Fuse of Thermonuclear War?”As we meet, the survival of the human race is imperiled as perhaps never before. We face the danger of a new world war, including the possible use of nuclear weapons; of a systemic breakdown of the real physical economy, which keeps more than 7-plus billion people alive, and the collapse of which bring with it famine and an out-of-control pandemic. But these threats do not arise from the so-called “malign intent” of Russia and China. Despite the accusation of the leaders of most governments and parties in the trans-Atlantic world who charge them with aggression against the so-called rules-based order. Nor do they come from so-called manmade climate change, being used to club nations into giving up their sovereign rights, to submit their nations and citizens to a deadly looting process enforced by a central bankers’ global dictatorship committed to radical population reduction. This is the intent of those who demand a submission to a rules-based order. The use of the U.S. military to impose a unilateral world order which rejects principles of international law in favor of the dictates of arbitrary rules which serve the narrow interests of the City of London and Wall Street. In our deliberations today, let’s be inspired by the words spoken by President John F Kennedy on June 10, 1963, shortly after the successful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis which threatened to unleash a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. In speaking for the adoption of a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Kennedy said: “What kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time, but peace for all time.” He continued saying that by directing our attention to our common interests, differences can be resolved. “For in the final analysis,” he concluded, “our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” Four years later, Pope Paul VI summarized this view with his encyclical Populorum Progressio proclaiming, “Development is the new name for peace.” Achieving this has been the life’s work of the economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and has been the mission adopted by the Schiller Institute since it was founded in 1984 by his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Today, we have a distinguished panel of speakers representing many nations guided by this common goal. I will introduce them after the first speaker. But it’s most appropriate to begin with a keynote by the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s my honor to introduce Helga Zepp-LaRouche. HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I greet all of you wherever you may be around the world. I’m telling you that we are conducting this Schiller Institute conference with an urgent appeal to as many people as possible to help to change the direction in which the political situation is going right now. Because we are on a course which, in a very short period of time—much shorter than anybody is probably realizing—we are on a course of potential extinction of civilization. It’s not clear where the greater danger comes from; the danger of thermonuclear war, the danger of a pandemic going out of control in combination with a world famine, or with a neo-Malthusian virus which has beset the brains of so many people where it is not clear if they are more eager to destroy the industrial society or if they are willing instruments to the geopolitical confrontation against Russia and China. So, let’s start with the danger of thermonuclear war. It’s not just one trigger point, one strategic crisis. It is the overall tension between the United States, the so-called global Britain, NATO, and increasingly also the European Union with Russia and China. It’s becoming so big that any one of the crises around the globe could become the trigger point. If could be a crisis with Russia over Ukraine going out of control, or with China over Taiwan. It is alarming, and it should alarm all of you that now more and more people—even so unlikely ones like Henry Kissinger, who has been not exactly a friend of our organization, which has everything to do with his infamous NSSM-200 paper which he wrote when he was National Security Advisor in 1974. That he was the enemy and adversary of everything Lyndon LaRouche and his movement stood for. But even Kissinger is now warning that the tension between the United States and China is becoming so all-engulfing for the whole world that they could lead to an Armageddon-like military clash, extinguishing mankind in a finite period of time. This he said about a week ago. Then the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, recently in February, informed the Pentagon that they should change the likelihood of nuclear war from not likely to very likely. He repeated that in front of the Congress recently. Just two days ago, the New York Times had an article by one Peter Beinart, who said that the Biden policy towards Taiwan is truly reckless, that we are very close to war, mainly because the Democrats have abandoned the One-China policy already last year. Biden is now receiving envoys from Taiwan, as he did for his inauguration. Then, the article quotes Graham Allison, the historian who thinks that a danger of a Thucydides trap exists, by saying that people have to be sure that China would be more willing to go to war than accept losing Taiwan. In light of the history of China, this is very likely. If it would come to such a war, given that China has 39 air bases around the region of Taiwan, the United States has only two, the United States would lose any conventional war. If it would think of using regional nuclear weapons, the danger is that it would go into an all-out global nuclear war. I advise those people who don’t think that that is true, to read the papers by Ted Postol over the difference between conventional and thermonuclear war, where it is the logic that once you use one nuclear weapon, all will be used. And also to listen to what Tulsi Gabbard said recently in an interview with Tucker Carlson, where she said that to have this geopolitical confrontation with Russia is completely crazy. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons which, in a conflict, would hit every U.S. city in less than 30 minutes. This would bring about excruciating death and suffering over the American people; millions would lose their lives, and flesh would be burned from their bones. That would be the end of the world, and this could come much sooner than anybody thinks. Also, the Australian press is warning that Taiwan may be a trigger for a catastrophic war, and that is not just a question of if, but when. That China has become the enemy for no other reason than it has dared to eclipse the U.S. as the most powerful economy. On March 21st, Admiral Philip Davidson, the head of the Indo-Pacific Command said we must be absolutely prepared to fight and win such a war, should competition turn into conflict. Then, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, Admiral John Aquilino, who will replace Admiral Davidson in his position, said we are much closer to such a war than most think. And [H.R.] McMaster, the former National Security Advisor to Trump basically said the most dangerous time in his view is the period between the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party later this year, and the Winter Olympics in Beijing next year. So, that is, indeed, very close. The Taiwan Defense Minister already announced that they will now mass produce long-range missiles capable of striking deep into the inside of the Chinese mainland. So, the situation around Taiwan could be the trigger point for a global war. But so could the situation over Ukraine. With the developments in Ukraine, you had an escalation in the recent years of an incredible demonization of President Putin. But it has nothing to do with Crimea, because as Putin correctly said, if it would not have been Ukraine, they would have found some other reason. The narrative of what is going on with Russia, Ukraine, Crimea is completely upside-down. It did not start with the so-called annexation of Crimea; it started with the EU association agreement for Ukraine at the end of 2013, which was rejected for good reasons. Then, that led quickly to the demonstrations on the Maidan, which escalated into the coup, leading to a Nazi coup in February 2014. As a consequence, in which coup Victoria Nuland, who is now again in a position in the State Department. Then you had the development where the people of Crimea voted to join Russia. You have right now [U.S. Secretary of State] Blinken and Nuland in Ukraine. This is a very dangerous game, because they’re there to further the building of U.S. bases in Ukraine to support the demand by the Ukrainians to join NATO. That is reaching then a point where Putin has recently said that people in the West should not cross red lines, because if it would occur, the response would be asymmetric, swift, and hard. Russia is a nuclear superpower, and this could lead, if it would be provoked to answer in such a way, to the annihilation of mankind. Scott Ritter, who warned that the “weapons of mass destruction” were a fake story in Iraq, recently commented on the Defender Europe 2021 large maneuvers, which are going on right now along the Russian border. He basically said that all that this demonstrates is that NATO is absolutely inferior compared to the Russian troops in a conventional way. That therefore, the danger would be that if it comes to a conflict, it could go nuclear. There was a RAND Corporation study in 2016 entitled “War with China; Thinking Through the Unthinkable.” They basically say it would be better to have the war with China now than in ten years, because the gap will close and China would probably win such a war later on. The same RAND Corporation had a study in 2019 called “Extending Russia; Competing from Advantageous Ground,” which is a 354-page piece in which they describe how one should overextend Russia economically, militarily, and propaganda-wise. Number one, conduct economic warfare. Hinder the oil exports; block export of natural gas; block the construction of pipelines, such as Nord Stream II; escalate sanctions; escalate the brain drain. Escalate the situation with Ukraine; bring lethal weapons to Ukraine; support the rebels in Syria; topple Lukashenko; increase the cost for Russia in the South Caucasus; go for color revolution in Moldavia. Discredit the election process in Russia, like Navalny; cause unrest in Russia, go for a color revolution. Put military bombers, missiles at the border to cause permanent stress for Russia. Provoke Russia into a costly arms race. If you listen to that so-called study, you have the exact script for about everything that happened in the last two years. This conference actually was caused to happen by the urgent appeal by Cardinal Mario Zenari from Syria. He has been issued a call saying that as a result of the combination of ten years of war in which the United States was allied with al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and ISIS—these are my words, not his—which was aimed to topple the legitimate elected government of Syria, the pandemic and the co-called Caesar sanctions, we have now a situation where more than 90% of the Syrian population are below the poverty line. I just should note that the Caesar sanctions are based on the same kind of fraud as we have seen used as a pretext for all of these endless wars, like the chemical weapons supposedly used by the Syrian government which was a fraud by the White Helmets; or the babies ripped out of incubators in 1991, which was a lie. Then you had the so-called weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003. Yellow cake from Niger, but this was all a complete lie. Unilateral sanctions such as these Caesar sanctions are, from a standpoint of international law, completely illegal. We will hear about that from Professor Koechler shortly. The only kinds of sanctions which are allowed would be those which are agreed upon by the UN Security Council. Otherwise, unilateral sanctions are a form of warfare, which targets the poor, the old people, the children. It is the idea to drive the pain of the population so high because of lack of food and medicine, that eventually it will cause an uprising and conduct regime change. Brian O’Toole, who is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a former advisor to the U.S. Treasury, and he worked for the CIA, is an expert in so-called “behavior economics.” He said that this is a strategy to raise the pain meter—what an insane expression. For Russia, it would only be 10% of this pain meter, and it would be important to drive it up to 70% by cutting Russia off of Swift, the connection to the international financial system, and to cut off Sberbank from financial transactions. For Syria, a continuation of these Caesar sanctions means the deaths of many thousands, maybe millions of people. But the people who are conducting this say literally, “So what?” I’m not exaggerating! Madeline Albright said on a “60 Minutes” program with Leslie Stahl, that the half million children who died in Iraq as a result of the sanctions—these were children under the age of 5! She said, it’s a very hard choice, but the price was worth it. David Beasley, the head of the UN World Food Program, just made a documentary about the famine in Yemen, called “Hunger Ward” which I would urge everybody to watch. He showed how in Yemen, there were little girls with arms as thin as my finger. They had hollow eyes and their skin was like parchment because of the starvation process. But I think Mrs. Albright should have nightmares every single night where each of these 500,000 dying children from Iraq look at her and haunt her. Looking at her with their dying eyes, and this would continue until this woman has a human feeling. The situation is much worse, because according to the UN World Food Program, the new report they published, “2021 Global Report on the Food Crisis” says 55 nations are in extreme need of food. And Syria, because of the sanctions, the war, the depreciation of their pound, there is now a very high number of food insecure people. The food prices from December 2019 until 2020 increased by 236%. That means that all together in all of these nations—40 nations—34 million people are in acute danger of starvation in the coming months. Beasley, at the SIPRI—the Stockholm Institute for Peace Research—called on all nations to mobilize urgent support to avert mass deaths of millions of people. Actually, a number of people which is very quickly going to be as much as all of World War II deaths. He mentioned that the UN Security Council Resolution 2417 was passed unanimously in 2018, and that resolution very clearly that hunger cannot be used as a weapon of war. There are right now, 155 million people in acute food insecurity. These people are in countries like Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, norther Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Zimbabwe. The COVID-19 pandemic in India has already officially caused 238,000 deaths. But according to experts, it is 5-10 times higher, because they count only the people who die in hospitals, not the people who die in the countryside. The few planeloads of aid, which are being sent by international countries, is just a drop in the ocean. The head of the African CDC said that they are horrified by looking at India, because most of the vaccinations which came to Africa was produce there, and now with the crisis exploding in India they are worried that no more vaccine is coming. It is also clear that we are looking at mass deaths in Brazil and many other places. If you look at this picture as a totality, and that is what we have to do, the chickens are coming home to roost. We are now at the exact point Lyndon LaRouche predicted in 1971 when Nixon destroyed the old Bretton Woods system and went on a course of monetary liberal policies. Lyndon LaRouche at that point said that if you continue on this course, it will come to a point where you are faced with the danger of a new depression, the danger of war, and the danger of a new fascism. My late husband was also absolutely correct when he warned already in 1973 that the IMF conditionalities would mean that new pandemics would come and that would eventually be a total threat to civilization. The financial system is about to blow. We are looking at a situation where, after the 2008 systemic crisis nothing was done to remedy the root causes. Just quantitative easing and pumping money by the trillions. Now we are looking at the potential of a hyperinflationary blow-out like it was in Germany in 1923. In 1923, the Reichsbank printed money to pay the war debt and the reparations. First you didn’t see much of it, but then in November 1923, it exploded. It was the complete expropriation of the life work of the people. Yesterday, Bank of America put out a report saying that we have just a transitionary hyperinflation. This is visible because all the commodity prices are going up, but that this will soon translate to an increase in consumer prices. A transitionary hyperinflation is as much as being a little bit pregnant. However, that hyperinflation is the necessary result of all of this policy of further speculation in the last period is known to all the big players. This is the real reason why they are betting to create one last super-bubble by going for the Great Reset, the great transformation of the decarbonization of the world economy, the Green New Deal. It is the illusion that if they pump now in the next ten years another $60 trillion into the financial system, that that would somehow save their earnings and their system. But it would just mean a gigantic transfer of wealth again from the poor to the rich. This is already on the horizon. It’s happening because the EU is implementing the Green New Deal, the Biden administration is doing it. While that only threatens the de-industrialization of the so-called advanced countries, for the developing countries it means mass death on top of the crises I already mentioned. The Indian Energy Minister, Mr. Singh, recently said that the Green deal may be OK for the industrialized nations, but absolutely not for the developing sector. Alone in Africa, 800 million Africans don’t have access to electricity. It would mean—and these are my words now—it would mean an absolute massive reduction of the population, and it is also clear that this is their intent. What is to be done? There is a solution, but it is important to take all these problems at once, because when you have a systemic crisis like what I’m describing with these different elements, it is not enough to solve a little of this and a little bit of that crisis. You have to create a completely different system. President Putin, in January 2020, called for an urgent meeting of the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council. I think that is what must absolutely happen now. Such a summit should be called because of the danger of World War III, a pandemic out of control, a world famine, the danger of a blow-out of the financial system. It must lead to an immediate implementation of the following program: Given the pandemic, the only way to stop that and future pandemics, is to create a world health system, which means a modern health system in every single country. Because if you don’t stop the pandemic in even the poorest country on the planet, it will come back; there will be new variants, new strains, which eventually could made obsolete the vaccines which already have been distributed. So, we are in a race against time. We should do in every single country what was done in Wuhan when the pandemic broke out. Build hospitals! This can be done with the Army Corps of Engineers, with aid organizations. In one week, one can build a hospital for 1000 people. Then, these modern hospitals need well-educated doctors, nurses. You need lots of clean water; 2 billion people in the world have no access to clean water. You need lots of electricity; this cannot be done without infrastructure. So, the building of a modern health system in every country can and must be the beginning of overcoming the underdevelopment of the developing countries for good. We have to have a program of global poverty elimination, exactly as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt when he called for the Bretton Woods, which was never implemented because of his untimely death. But now, we need exactly that. It must start with a global Glass-Steagall banking separation which then must be followed by the creation of a Hamiltonian national banking system in very country. We need a credit system which then can become a New Bretton Woods system. Then we can finance the extension of the New Silk Road into Southwest Asia. The possibility to overcome the death and starvation in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, the solution is obvious. When President Xi Jinping was in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt in 2015, he offered to extend the New Silk Road into the entire region. That program, and the Schiller Institute has worked on a comprehensive program for the entire region, can be implemented in such a P-5 UN Security Council meeting. It is agreed, and then all the big neighbors of Southwest Asia—Russia, China, India—all work together and the United States and European nations agree to cooperate in the reconstruction of this region, which has been destroyed by these endless wars. Then, naturally, the New Silk Road with this international cooperation, including other countries like Japan, India, South Korea should all be involved in the reconstruction of Africa. We have to replace geopolitical confrontation with a crash program of cooperation for the development of thermonuclear fusion power, where in the recent period, major breakthroughs have occurred. Once we have fusion power, we will have a safe energy source for the whole human population, and we will also tackle the problem of limited raw materials, because you can separate isotopes with the fusion torch procedure and create new raw materials. We have to have international cooperation in space. Rather than extending geopolitical confrontation into space, we should have international cooperation to build a village on the Moon, and soon a city on Mars. We should listen to the head of the Mars mission and the head of the Energy Ministry of Abu Dhabi, Miss al-Amiri, who already some years ago made a beautiful speech where she stuck her finger in the air like this—please put on the video—people should look at what is at the end of her finger to see what the sky will tell them. Can you put on the video, please? [video] SARAH AL-AMIRI: The Hubble Space Telescope was pointed at a region that small [pointing her finger]. And it came up with this image. This image, the dots of light that you see in these images are not stars, they’re galaxies. There are hundreds of billions of stars in each one of those dots in that small region of sky that we look at. [end video] ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Now, the Hubble Telescope discovered that there are at a minimum 2 trillion galaxies. I would like you to really put your mind on that thought, and then think how stupid it would be that we, as a human species who are the only species which can potentially be the immortal species because of our creative reason. That we would destroy ourselves in a thermonuclear destruction. I think we should have the ambition not to be more stupid than the animals, because there is no animal species which would ever conduct such a behavior. Thank you.
Today in the Syria Times, a “Special Interview” with Helga Zepp LaRouche, President and founder of the Schiller institute, was posted by Editor in Chief Reem Hadad, who said in the introduction that the Institute’s “motto is ‘mobilizing globally for a New Paradigm of Mankind.’ The Schiller Institute is currently conducting a series of conferences … to try to gain support for the idea that only a ‘Peace Through Development’ approach can resolve the situation….”On Syria specifically, Zepp LaRouche said in the interview, that, “An economic development plan for all of Southwest Asia must be put on the agenda, and all neighbors from Russia, China, India to Egypt—and hopefully including the U.S.—must be won over to participate.” The interview publicizes that Mrs. Bouthaina Shaaban, the Political and Media Advisor to President Assad, will be a speaker at the May 8 Schiller Institute conference, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” Total opposition to this approach was shown May 6 by the U.S. State Department, which announced that U.S. unilateral sanctions against Syria will be continued for another year. This amounts to a death sentence for millions, given what is well known, that 13 million Syrians already lack food and medical supplies, and basic living conditions of shelter, water and sanitation. But in keeping with its geopolitics, the State Department rhetoric was bloodthirsty in lying about Damascus and its “backers,” including blaming them for keeping out humanitarian aid. “The United States condemns the Assad regime’s, and its Russian and Iranian enablers’ brutal violence and human rights violations and abuses.” Such rhetoric goes beyond venality, into pre-war madness. It coheres with the U.S. Strategic Command’s casual talk of preparing to win a nuclear exchange. The same day as the State Department’s sanctions decree on Syria, particulars of the dire situation in Syria were released in the new “2021 Global Report of Food Crises” by the World Food Program (WFP) and other agencies (Global Network Against Food Crises) which covers 55 nations in extreme need of food. The terrible impact of sanctions was explicitly identified. The “Forecast 2021” for Syria warned, “Continued sanctions, a war-torn economy, and the effects of a depreciated Syrian pound will also contribute to high numbers of acutely food-insecure Syrians…. Between December 2019 and 2020, food prices rose 236%…” WFP Executive Director David Beasley said on May 6 that 34 million people across some 40 nations (Syria included), are at risk of dying of starvation in the coming months, without relief intervention. He spoke to the online conference of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, (SIPRI). Beasley called for nations to mobilize “systems of support” to avert mass death. He pointed to UN Security Council Resolution 2417, passed unanimously in 2018, that says hunger cannot be used as a weapon of war. Thus, the May 8 conference, and the dialogue process it fosters and reflects, is now a critical world rallying point for voices to sound out for reason in national and human relations. We are in an emergency situation. The commitment to this outlook was stated today by Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China, at a High Level Meeting of the UN Security Council, which China chairs for the month of May. The Zoom forum was titled, “Maintaining International Peace and Security; Maintaining Multilateralism and the International System with the United Nations at the Core.” It was attended by foreign ministers of Russia and the United States, and several other of the current UNSC 15 member states. Wang Yi chaired the meeting and stressed that, “There must be dialogue and cooperation,” and he attacked the extensive unilateral use of sanctions. In contrast, Secretary of State Blinken, while using the word multilateralism, spoke in his customary code words for geopolitical attacks on other nations, such as vigilance for “human rights.” He called for “non-traditional partnerships”—cover-term for anti-China, anti-Russia blocs. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was stern. He denounced the moves to create “narrow partnerships.” He denounced the call for a “summit of democracies”—made by President Biden for this year, as “a new club created on an ideological basis.” Lavrov reiterated President Putin’s call for a meeting of leaders of the Permanent Five of the UN Security Council. When it comes to “human rights,” Lavrov said that the right to life is fundamental. Attend and grow the ranks: May 8 International Schiller Institute Conference
As we are dashing headlong into a systemic economic collapse and a danger of annihilation through nuclear war, how can we organize our fellow citizens to recognize the common interests we share with citizens of all nations? In today's Update, we hear the words of President John F. Kennedy from June 1963, shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when he presented an approach to peace through dialogue, not a "Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war." JFK called on us to: "direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved....For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal." As you reflect on these words, remember to register for the Schiller Institute's online conference on Saturday May 8, at 9 AM, where such themes will be the central topic.
In organizing for the Schiller Institute Conference this Saturday, organizers from the LaRouche movement internationally have increasingly found that the veil of obscurity imposed on the populations of the trans-Atlantic nations, by governments and by the whorish media, is beginning to shred. The insidious evil of the Malthusian Green New Deal is sinking in—in part due to the mass circulation of the pamphlet The Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Crushes the Green New Deal Fraud. The rush for military confrontation with Russia and China—for even less reason than the illegal and immoral wars which destroyed Iraq, Libya, and Syria—are based on similar lies, and those lies are increasingly evident to serious people. Even the war-mongering New York Times ran an opinion piece calling the Biden Administration’s provocations of China over Taiwan “reckless,” risking a “catastrophic war.” And most important, the writer asks the war hawks how many American lives they are willing to risk, noting that senior American statesmen (naming Stapleton Roy and Chas Freeman) have now warned that a war with China could be nuclear.Nor is the media getting a free ride. Caitlin Johnston, who last month issued an article titled “The rising threat of nuclear war is the most urgent matter in the world,” on Wednesday reported on the disgusting interview of Secretary of State Tony Blinken by Norah O’Donnell on CBS’s 60 Minutes, on May 2, in which it was impossible to tell whether the interviewer or the interviewee was the more disgusting. Johnstone indicts O’Donnell in her own words, simply by listing the questions, which included: “Have you ever seen China be so assertive or aggressive militarily?” And, “Describe what you see is happening in Xinjiang that maybe the rest of the world doesn’t.” And, “The Chinese have stolen hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars of trade secrets and intellectual property from the United States. That sounds like the actions of an enemy.” Consider the hypocrisy when the Chinese and Russian press are accused of being subservient to their governments. But the war danger is palpable. Blinken is in Ukraine, discussing the process of bringing Ukraine into NATO, placing the war machine directly on Russia’s border. Russia called a meeting of the UN Security Council Wednesday to present evidence and witnesses of the atrocities by murderous nazi gangs in Ukraine since the 2014 Maidan color revolution. First Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyansky called them “hideous events that cannot leave any normal person indifferent.” The response of the US and British was a joint statement: “We regret this deliberate attempt to divert the attention of the international community from Russia’s ongoing destabilizing activities against Ukraine over the last seven years.” The push for military confrontation with nuclear-armed powers, together with the Green New Deal, represent the concerted effort to restore the British Empire to its previous bloody glory, now with the US as the “dumb giant” providing the brawn for the British warped brain. Malthusian depopulation is still the stated aim of the British Royal Family and its minions, whether by war, by pestilence, by famine, or by forced economic destruction through colonial looting or its modern form in the Green New Deal. The crisis is so enormous that people are beginning to shed their delusions that somehow “they,” the powers that be, will not let such a disaster happen. Creating the required density of citizens, internationally, who break those chains of delusion,and activate their creative powers on behalf of humanity and our posterity, requires the activation of the ideas generated by Lyndon LaRouche over these past fifty years. Bring everyone you can to the Conference on Saturday, where these ideas will be deliberated by leaders from around the world.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is to land in Kiev today with Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland by his side. The Associated Press admitted that Nuland’s presence is “likely to irritate Russia,” given her history and orchestration of the 2014 Maidan coup, including coordination with openly neo-Nazi leaders and networks in the country. AP presented this as “Nuland’s advocacy for reform-minded, pro-Western Ukrainian politicians incurred the Kremlin’s wrath.”Other media sources point out there will be “tension” in Blinken’s trip, because of his focus on fighting corruption and institutional reform. Money from the IMF will be dependent on Ukraine carrying out the reforms the U.S. demands, Unian press agency warns, and reporting that Blinken will demand results. Unnamed State Department officials, briefing reporters on the G7 foreign ministers meeting in London on background yesterday, said that during the plenary session, the ministers spent an hour-and-a-half on Russia, including Ukraine and Belarus. Ukraine was also discussed in the bilateral meetings that took place on the sidelines. “[W]e’re all in agreement and stand in solidarity with Ukraine against Russian aggression,” one of the officials said. Viktor Medvedchuk, the head of the political council of the Opposition Platform—For Life party in Ukraine, warned yesterday that the main U.S. interest in Ukraine is in the confrontation with Russia. “The world leaders who supported [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky made the right choice. But in this chorus of support the United States sets the tune. It wants Ukraine to be a stronghold of confrontation on the border with Russia that benefits U.S. interests above all,” Medvedchuk tweeted on May 4, reported TASS. Meanwhile, Polish President Andrzej Duda, with support from his counterparts in the Baltic states, seems to be doing everything to keep the Ukraine pot stirring. He hosted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Warsaw on Monday (May 3), after which the Ukrainian President declared that Poland is ready to fully support Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. Ukraine’s prospective membership in both the EU and NATO were on the agenda. “Our bilateral meeting ended today with the signing of a joint declaration on the European prospect for Ukraine, i.e. belonging to the EU. In this issue, Poland has always supported Ukraine,” Duda said at a joint briefing on the results of bilateral talks, reported Zelensky’s presidential website. As for NATO, Duda promised that a roadmap for Ukraine’s entry into the alliance will be discussed at the NATO summit in June. It is well known that Moscow considers Ukraine’s membership in NATO a casus belli. According to Duda, at the June summit, the heads of state and government of NATO countries will discuss the security of Ukraine, and in this regard, the security of all of Central Europe. “Secondly, this issue will also formally indicate to Ukraine the path it should take towards membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, a roadmap for membership, which is now a fundamental matter and for which Ukraine is fighting,” he said.
The Group of 7 Foreign Ministers met in London to prepare for June's leadership conference. They devoted two ninety-minute sessions to coordinate military and financial containment of Russia and China, two nations they designated as threats to the "Rules-Based Order" (RBO). While there, Secretary of State Blinken praised the U.S.-U.K. Special Relationship as the cornerstone of the RBO, to insure adherence to "democratic values and human rights." He then went to Kiev, to deliver the message that the G7 stands behind Ukraine's "sovereignty" (!), in the face of alleged threats from Russia. Meanwhile, NATO continues with the largest military exercises in eastern Europe in years, on Russia's doorstep.
The world is careening, nearly out of control, towards the twin deadly dangers of nuclear war between superpowers, and a systemic economic breakdown crisis which threatens to sweep away millions upon millions of human beings, or even swallow up entire nations in the maelstrom.Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken arrived in Ukraine today to prod and jack up that nation into a confrontation with Russia. He was accompanied by none other than Victoria Nuland, the hands-on operative who oversaw the 2014 Nazi coup in Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration and the British. Before that, Blinken was at the G7 meeting in London May 3-5, where he tried to bludgeon Europe with a simple message: Thou shalt not cooperate with China, or else. He reserved special venom for the Belt and Road Initiative, which the State Department denounced as “economic coercion” which “compromises the sovereignty of those countries”—when in fact it is those nations’ only hope of survival in the middle of a physical economic breakdown crisis. If you want to know what systemic economic breakdown looks like “on the ground,” take India, which is being torn asunder by the COVID pandemic unleashed by 50 years of international economic policies of looting and speculation. There are officially 20 million COVID cases and over 222,000 COVID deaths in that nation of 1.4 billion people. But sober Indian sources in the medical community estimate the actual death toll to be 5-10 times greater—i.e., between 1 and 2 million Indians have already died of COVID. And it is spreading like wildfire, completely overwhelming the country’s medical system. New variants of the virus are reported to be appearing with such rapidity that they are outpacing the ability of vaccination to contain the firestorm. Is this “India’s problem”? Half of the planet’s new COVID cases and a quarter of the COVID deaths are now happening in India, population 1.4 billion. The head of the Africa CDC a few days ago expressed his grave concern, both because of what was happening to India and also because India has been the major exporter of vaccines to the continent of Africa—exports which will now cease almost entirely. Africa’s population is over 1.2 billion. And in Brazil—population 211 million, out of Latin America’s 650 million—the pandemic is almost as badly out of control as in India. And yet, with this gravest of existential threats facing humanity, the British Empire and its Wall Street and City of London financial hitmen—the very forces responsible for the COVID catastrophe—are accelerating their drive for a Green New Deal and a Global Reset. At every opportunity, they are demanding earlier and earlier deadlines to meet their so-called carbon net zero goals, a form of green insanity that will predictably bring about the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. “This is beyond an economic breakdown,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented yesterday. “This form of collective suicide reflects the mass breakdown of reason itself, and we have to take the gloves off to stop this Malthusian insanity.” The pandemic, the war danger, the economic breakdown can all be stopped and reversed; but it will require an international mobilization of all nations and political forces on the planet to do so, with a programmatic focus long specified by Lyndon LaRouche. Interested in being part of that historic process? Participate in the Schiller Institute international conference this Saturday May 8, beginning at 9 a.m. EDT.
Join us for a preview of this weekend's Schiller Institute international conference. Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a webcast on April 28, underscored the extreme urgency of the forthcoming May 8 Conference: "I think it is actually horrifying how few people are aware of the acute danger in which civilization finds itself. There are only a few voices that are warning of nuclear war. One of them, Tulsi Gabbard (former Congresswoman, combat veteran, and Presidential candidate), about two weeks ago, in a show with Tucker Carlson, pointed to the fact that if there would be an outbreak of war, it would turn nuclear, it would reach the territory of the United States,...and nobody would remain alive.” Rising tensions between Russia and the United States, and China and the United States, all thermonuclear powers, can provoke “the unthinkable.” The folly of playing “superpower nuclear chicken-game” as discussed in US military doctrines like “Prompt Global Strike,” is comparable to lighting a match in an apartment building filled with gas. The first moments of such a conflict, will also be the last moments of the conflict.
Edward Snowden provided us with an excellent example of how to debunk the self-righteous rants from the likes of Biden's Secretary of State Blinken. After Blinken used the occasion of World Press Freedom Day to praise the U.S. for its advocacy of "press freedom", Snowden asked, "What about Julian Assange?". This is one of many examples of the hypocrisy of the unipolar order demanded by the Biden government and its U.K./NATO allies, as they push the world toward war. We cannot let them get away with their commitment to imposing "rules" which benefit the globalist elites of the City of London and Wall Street, while pillaging the rest of the world.
In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche spoke of the significance of more voices speaking out, echoing her warning of the danger of a nuclear war being provoked by the geopolitical maneuvers by the TransAtlantic establishment. Even Henry Kissinger, long a spokesman for this faction, warned that this is different, and more dangerous, than the threats of nuclear war during the period of the Cold War. Zepp LaRouche said the erosion of trust and the lack of back channels, combined with new weapon capabilities, makes this an extremely perilous moment. She highlighted the widespread use of sanctions, which are illegal under international law in the way they are being applied, as an example of why diplomacy and dialogue must replace unilateralism in international relations.This will be the general topic of the first panel of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8. The second panel will take up the urgent necessity of addressing the COVID pandemic through a commitment to create a modern health system in every nation -- this can occur only by rejecting the present paradigm, defined by neo-liberal economics and imperial geopolitics, and reasserting international law, which begins with the primacy of cooperation for development among sovereign states. This approach is being developed by the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites. She concluded by reflecting on the recent Schiller conferences, which were unique in that the principle of statecraft guiding the discussions is based on the concept of Schiller, that the dialogue begins by addressing the better part of human beings; and operating from the standpoint of "truth seeking...through Socratic dialogue." She urged all the viewers to register for the conference, and participate in the building of the New Paradigm.
For over half a century, humanity has been menaced by the very real possibility of self-imposed extinction through nuclear warfare, launched either intentionally or by accident. That threat has waxed and waned, with periods of almost imminent warfare, some known (the Cuban Missiles Crisis) and some unknown (the September 1983 alarm that indicated a U.S. launch of five missiles, which a Soviet Lieutenant Colonel decided on his own was a false alarm).Today the threat is extreme, but few know it, despite Adm. Charles Richards, the head of the U.S. Strategic Command, saying that there is a “real possibility” of nuclear conflict with Russia or China, demanding that the “U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility.’” Henry Kissinger—in general no friend to the human race—accurately warned April 30 that “For the first time in human history, humanity has the capacity to extinguish itself in a finite period of time.” Do you, personally, take seriously this threat? The reason for the possibility of war does not lie with supposedly “malign” actions taken by either of those two countries; it comes from the demand made by the City of London and the trans-Atlantic financial institutions that all nations must submit to the Great Green Reset. The demand that true physical development must cease, and that spy agencies, finance, and militaries must cooperate to root out carbon dioxide offenders cannot and will not be accepted by Russia, China, or India. The Schiller Institute conference to be held this Saturday, May 8, on the 76th anniversary of the defeat of fascism in Europe, is designed to pull together the leadership to avert catastrophe, and to usher in a new paradigm of relations among sovereign nations the mutual benefit of all. Join the conference: “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm”
The U.S.-NATO prerogative to impose a “rules-based international system,” constantly repeated by the Biden Administration and British “imperial” mouthpieces, now consists of ordering all nations to join the United States and Europe in giving up fossil fuel energy, high-technology farming and livestock raising, high energy industrial technology, whatever the consequences to their peoples. Moreover they must join in bludgeoning Russia and China until those technological great powers agree to do the same. If the Commander of United States Strategic Command, Adm.Charles Richard, has just said he judges “thermonuclear war” to be a strong possibility in this situation, NATO elites think that’s a chance worth taking to force their adversaries to “decarbonize” and regress in industry and power.Canada is now attacked by U.S. officials like a strategic adversary, for having oil pipelines under the Mackinac Strait. Germany is slammed with sanctions until it abandons a gas pipeline from Russia. New Zealand is to be expelled from the “Five Eyes” intelligence partnership for not declaring China its enemy. Eastern European government leaders must bow to NATO/British geopolitical confrontation with Russia or have “regime-change” thrust upon them. The grim reality of this “Great Reset”—for this is the “Great Reset’s actual character—is that NATO will pile sanctions and threats and dare Russia and China to superpower war, war unsurvivable for humanity, rather than allow them to continue with technological and industrial development the trans-Atlantic nations are abandoning themselves. And China and Russia will not accept ”zero carbon" regression. For the driving force of this menace, however, look to the City of London and Wall Street, the biggest financial giants and central banks—and there you find the great weakness of the Great Reset. These financial forces are staring at a global financial crash of a corporate bond debt and equity finance bubble in the tens of trillions of dollars, and additional tens of trillions of derivatives exposure. They just passed through a grim milestone on the way to that crash, with the collapse of a very large hedge fund called Archegos causing huge losses at big European banks; they know they’re within a year or so of the end. Therefore London and Wall Street finance feel the urgent need to escape the crash with a new, gigantic bubble of “green finance”—wind turbine parks, solar farms, carbon offsets and credits for speculation, farmers “carbon farming,” carbon derivatives…. And you are supposed to pay for it. If you won’t, their weakness is exposed. If enough citizens and organizations refuse, demand industrial development for all nations instead, the Green New Deal can be crushed. But many citizens and leaders in the United States and Europe no longer have the morality to seek industrial development for developing nations, for Africa and Southwest Asia. They are indifferent, or put on indifference, to the famine threatening 300 million people this year in South Asia and Africa, triggered by the pandemic. Indifferent to peoples whose public health and hospital systems have crumbled under the waves of COVID-19, because their nations lack the modern healthcare capacities every nation must have and must be provided with. They are self-absorbed enough to ignore worsening social conflict and even, incredibly, the growing threat of global, unsurvivable war. This must change; it will take a moral renaissance to defeat the pandemic and the “Great Reset” the pandemic is supposed to compel us to. This is the purpose of the series of international conferences of the Schiller Institute over the last year. The next conference is May 8, a few days away: “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” See the panels and register here.
Anyone who is not sleep-walking is aware that madness has taken over strategic planners in the trans-Atlantic region. The major Western banking system, squatting on trillions of dollars printed up by subservient governments to keep them afloat, is not investing in anything productive, and has declared that it is cutting off credit to fossil fuels and carbon-emitting industry and agriculture to “save the planet,” while killing off much of the human population. The Biden administration has declared Russia and China to be “existential” threats, while also declaring that nuclear war is no longer “unlikely,” but has become “likely.” NATO is moving into military positions directly on the Russian and Chinese borders. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are declaring that they want global cooperation, but also assert that NATO is crossing several well defined “red lines,” challenging their sovereignty, and forcing them to prepare for war. It could not be clearer that the world is on the brink of a thermonuclear holocaust.But the reality is that many people—even most people—are sleepwalking. There are signs that the level of economic and strategic insanity is so great that some people are beginning to throw away their delusions, recognizing that the evil is taking place in their name, by their governments, and an “anti-Malthusian” movement is emerging, to save mankind from its own folly. The Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization are the primary organizing force for that critical effort, and are holding a conference of leading speakers from around the world on May 8, under the title in the headline of this report, which all people of good will should register and attend. The fundamental question, then, is, how to wake up the sleepwalkers, to get people to consider their purpose on Earth, to create a force capable of stopping the holocaust and building a new paradigm for mankind, based on Classical scientific and cultural ideas. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, speaking to The LaRouche Organization Manhattan Project town hall on May 1, addressed this directly: “I personally think that this question of the indifference; that people have lost the ability to react—maybe because people are demoralized, maybe because people think you can’t do anything about it anyway, what can I do as an individual. But I think there is a deeper cultural question. I want to refer to something which my late husband Lyndon LaRouche has said many times; namely, that he was convinced that the only way humanity would get out of this crisis would be if a large enough number of people would regain an ability to think in a Classical way. That sounds like a very far-fetched and far-off possibility, because most people today don’t even have a clear idea what Classical means. They think Classical means the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or something like that. But it is, in my view, one of the most important questions; to regain a knowledge of what scientific thinking and Classical thinking in art really is. Because otherwise you are in the situation where opinion reigns, and in a liberal world every opinion is as good as the other one, and therefore you end in a complete chaos and non-action. “I want to very briefly look at something which may be a little bit not your daily thinking. But I want to say that the West in general is clearly in a moral crisis. If you look at the suicide rates of young people, if you look at the drug addiction, if you look at the number of people dying by violence, mass shootings. The fact that we tolerate so many things, that we don’t have an impulse to try to make the world better. Many people may debate what I’m saying, but I do think that the most important underlying axiomatic problem is that we have a moral collapse. There are some people who know that, and we are talking to them. But the question people should ask themselves is, how did we get here? What was the process of undermining the beautiful principles of the American Revolution, of the American Constitution? Given the fact that we in Germany have had the horrible experience of plunging from the absolute height of Classical culture, of the Classical period between Bach and Mozart, to Beethoven, Schubert, Schuman, Schiller, Humboldt. We in Germany had a Classical period which expressed the highest conception of humanity in terms of universal history…. So, the question naturally is, how was it possible that such a very high culture could plunge into the depths of the 12 years of National Socialism? Obviously, this is a very complex question, and many factors went into it. For example, in this same period, the German Classical period and the American Revolution happened almost at the same time…. “What they did when the German Classical thinkers—everybody from Winckelmann to Schiller to Lessing to Goethe—they had revived the ancient Classical tradition. Like the Italian Renaissance, they went back to the highest forms of thinking of philosophy, of culture, which had existed before, and they tried to reconstruct the idea that the truthful beauty and the good are actually a unity. Art is only art when it is beautiful, and when it serves the good, and when it’s truthful. All of these elements have to come together. “What the Romantic poets did was, they immediately replaced this return to the Classical period of Greece to turning to the Middle Ages. They glorified the Middle Ages, and they replaced the Greek reference with the Nordic myths, the Nibelungen saga, Parsifal, Lohengrin, Tristan and Isolde, and some of you may recognize that these were also the subjects which were then used by Wagner for his compositions. He was getting very close to the National Socialists. They started to turn all the notions of the Classical period and softened them…. “And while I don’t want to go into all of these people’s work in detail, they were crazy! If you read their novels, they all are schizophrenic, the behavior of people who have fantasies, who have death wishes, dreaming, who want to turn the day into the dream, and everything should vanish into some fantasy…. “So, the challenge today is how can we rediscover our humanity, so that we are able to cope with this incredible strategic situation? In that sense, dealing with Classical art is not a waste of time or a deviation. It is the precondition, because if you don’t listen to Beethoven’s music and you don’t think in terms of Shakespeare, Keats, Shelley, Poe, Schiller, Dante, Petrarca, you cannot mobilize this quality and clarity of thinking.” Watch Zepp-LaRouche’s full presentation, beginning at 15:30!
Both Biden's Secretary of State Blinken and National Security Adviser Sullivan were trotted out for Sunday news shows to defend the "rules-based order" against threats from Russia and China. The order they back is a global central banker's dictatorship, to be enforced by U.S. and NATO military might. The oligarchs they work for are the true authoritarians, and their goal is not only to take away our freedoms, but our lives, as their order is putting us on the verge of World War III. Time for a New Paradigm, to replace their collapsing, bankrupt and immoral system.
In the days following Russian President Putin's National Address on April 21, which he stated was meant to send a "stern warning" to those out to destabilize Russia, Schiller Institute chairman Helga Zepp LaRouche sounded an alarm. In describing the allegations from both Belorussian and Russian intelligence agencies of the direct involvement of long-time Biden crony Michael Carpenter in a coup plot against Belarus President Lukashenko -- which included a plan to assassinate Lukashenko -- she said, "I find this absolutely incredible, because if this turns out to be the case, we could be closer to World War III than anybody realizes: Because this is exactly the kind of stuff which happens in the forefront of world wars."She identified Carpenter as a collaborator of Biden in organizing the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, serving as his National Security adviser on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, who has ties to the ultra-nationalist Nazi wing of those who ran the coup, through his collaboration with leading fascist Andriy Parubiy. Carpenter is presently the director of the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania.
Join us LIVE at 11am EDT on Sunday, May 2. "Lyndon LaRouche will never be allowed to debate on any college campus ever again!" exclaimed Sydney Hook after the infamous debate with Abba Lerner on Queens college in 1971. Gerry Rose introduces this milestone moment in the history of the International Caucus of Labor Committees and explains the strategic significance, to this day, of LaRouche's refutation of Lerner's defense of Schachtian economics.
“Anybody in Western Europe or the United States, who is proposing a war against Russia, or takeover in Ukraine, is going to ensure a global thermonuclear war, from which the probability that within about a day and a half of such a war, there may be almost no one left living on this planet.” Lyndon LaRouche issued this stark warning in February of 2014, identifying that it was the British Empire’s “intention to have a thermonuclear war, … governed by the fact that the entire trans-Atlantic region is about to go in the biggest bust that history has ever seen!”The danger could, unfortunately, not be more palpable today. Military, political, and financial leaders in the Trans-Atlantic continue to set very dangerous fires to encircle Russia and China—from Ukraine, to Belarus, the Czech Republic, and Taiwan—as leading figures from China and Russia make clear that relations are today worse than the Cold War, because even in those days, each side had respect for the other. Take the planned visit of U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken to Kiev May 5—6. There he will meet with, among others, Ukrainian President Zelensky to “reaffirm unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression.” Such ideologically driven provocations have now created a situation such that even if there is no conscious plan to start a war, the conditions are so volatile that a misstep might trigger the end of civilization. “We are on a very dangerous trajectory.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented on April 28. “I think this is, really, a very, very scary Gleichschaltung—this was the word used in the Nazi regime, when all the media said the same thing.” This stark alarm was echoed by U.S. Naval War College analyst Lyle Goldstein, who warned “Americans should ask the uncomfortable question: Why do the U.S. and its allies appear to be encroaching upon so many different Russian red lines in so many situations simultaneously? We should not be touching the red lines of the other major nuclear armed powers on a daily basis.” In this accelerating lurch on the part of the Trans-Atlantic—in front of the eyes of the world—toward possible extinction, one sees clearly, tragically, how a fixed (and false) axiomatic system works: trapping the adherents (some witting, others unwitting) into a logically consistent response, which, in the case of geopolitical thinking and “great power competition,” can only end up in thermonuclear annihilation. So what’s our peace policy? Only something of the character of a creative intervention—the introduction of a new and true conception about man’s nature and destiny—to establish a new pathway, a new possibility for the direction of mankind, can prevent extinction. This is verified in the scientific work of Vladimir Vernadsky on the noösphere and evolution, and by the work of Lyndon LaRouche in physical economics. It is the basis of the notion from St. Paul’s 1 Corinthians 13, “If I have not love, I am nothing.” People must be made to wake up from their wrong beliefs, from their indifference; they must get their crooked concepts straightened out so that they can become part of the force in the world which is creating the possibility of survival and progress for humanity. This is the purpose of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8th, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” Make a breakthrough in your identity, away from the “little me, me, me,” to one whose interest coincides with the fate of the yet unborn generations of human beings—and with the fate of the currently living 7.9 billion souls—whose lives hang on whether we can shift the very dangerous tide which will carry us all one way, or the other.
Join us LIVE on Saturday, May 1 at 2pm EDT. On April 21, Russian President Putin warned that certain "red lines" are being crossed by actions of western forces, which threaten Russia's security and sovereignty. If this continues, it will force Russia to respond in an "asymmetrical, swift and tough" way. Yet, as he stated, as such hostile actions toward Russia have become commonplace, "Everyone pretends nothing is happening." Fortunately, there are some voices in the West speaking out, including Tulsi Gabbard, Dr. Lyle Goldstein, and Helga Zepp LaRouche. A Schiller Institute online conference will be held on May 8, to mobilize the forces to intervene into the strategic crisis, and allow the population to break out of the present trajectory, which is shaped by City of London and Wall Street geopoliticians and neoliberals. This Saturday's Town Meeting is preparatory to that conference and will equip you to organize others to attend.
There is an adage common to many cultures, ‘those who have eyes, let them see,’ and yet, millions of fellow citizens are blindly stumbling along, as the world tilts to nuclear war, along with the worsening pandemic and famine. In the discussion, we will take up the urgency to re-connect with reality in all respects, as required to stop the drive toward war, and as seen in the physical economic questions of daily food for eight+ billion people. Why are the world’s biggest, baddest banks, financial and agro-cartels dangling the buying and selling of “carbon footprints” as the “transition to green farming and a new world food system”? Use your eyes! Use the method of the ‘Coincidence of Opposites,’ referring to the approach set forward by Nicholas of Cusa (15th c,) which was embodied in so many concrete economic programs spelled out by statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and which are strategically up to date still today. Joining Dennis Speed will be Marcia Merry Baker, who is actively involved in projects with the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites of the Schiller Institute.
The widespread application of waterboarding, electroshock, and other forms of torture have rightly been denounced as a barbaric form of conduct, dehumanizing to both the victim and the perpetrator, which meet the Nuremberg code criteria of true crimes against humanity. What shall we say, then, about a collapsing global system which is hell-bent on applying the economic policy equivalent of torture to entire nations, and even to nuclear superpowers like Russia and China, in a vain effort to “modify their behavior” to the point of capitulation to the diktats of London and Washington?This is moral insanity; it is surely economic insanity; but it is also strategic insanity. It will, if left unchecked, lead to thermonuclear war. President Vladimir Putin stated as much in plain Russian, in his April 21 Federal Assembly speech, in which he warned that strategic red lines were being crossed and that Russia would respond asymmetrically. On April 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov repeated Putin’s warning, and stating that the situation today is like the “conditions of a Cold War, or even worse,” except that “during the Cold War there were numerous high-risk conflict situations, but there was also mutual respect. I believe that this is lacking now.” Earlier this month there was a planned Nazi coup in Belarus—which was scheduled for the May 9 Victory Day celebrations of the defeat of fascism in Europe—which was exposed and dismantled, thanks to the prompt action of Russian authorities. Yesterday, the Russian FSB arrested 16 Ukrainian radicals in Russia who were planning, in their own words, to “carry out mass killings and explosions, set buildings on fire and shoot down people.” And now we have economic sanctions being wielded against Russia by Washington and London the way an interrogator uses his electrodes: to cause maximum pain to produce “changed behavior.” The April 22 Moscow Times quoted Atlantic Council sanctions expert Brian O’Toole, who worked at the Obama Treasury Department, where he devised the sanctions regime against Russia, asserting that today Russia is only at “around 10% on the pain meter…. Working up to actually blocking transactions with a Russian bank or two … that’s what gets you up to 60 or 70% on the pain meter. Blocking Sberbank, for instance … that would be real financial warfare.” Behavioral economics, like its predecessor behavioral psychology, is built on the bestial (and scientifically fraudulent) premise that all human behavior can be explained by “stimulus-response” patterns to pleasure and pain. If you want to get someone to change their behavior, just threaten to progressively minimize their pleasure and/or maximize their pain until they comply. That may seem to work when you apply electroshock conditioning to captive mice in a laboratory maze, or to prisoners in a concentration camp—as the Nazis were so fond of experimenting with. But are you really so stupid as to think that that is the way the United States should conduct its foreign policy with Russia and China? Or are you so morally indifferent that you are content to look the other way while our government in Washington plays such nuclear “chicken games” with other nations, especially superpowers? As former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard told a nationwide TV audience on the Tucker Carlson show back on April 12: “We need to understand that such a war would come at a cost beyond anything that we can really imagine. Because this is not a war that’s happening to someone else, somewhere else on the other side of the world. No, this is something that will directly impact me, and you, Tucker, every single one of your viewers, and all of our loved ones. And this is a war that is not a game. It’s a war in which there are no winners, because you’ve got thousands of nuclear weapons that the U.S. has aimed towards Russia; Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons that are aimed towards us, that could hit any town or city in the U.S. in less than thirty minutes, that could exact a cost on every one of us that would result in excruciating death and suffering beyond comprehension—hundreds of millions of people dying and suffering seeing their flesh burned from their bones. This is something that you can’t really even imagine. And it’s a cost that we will all pay.” There is another approach, which actually works, because it is constructed on Man’s actual nature—“the better angels of our nature.” On April 25, the world celebrated Elbe Day, the date in 1945 when American and Soviet troops united at the Elbe River in Germany to finish off the job of defeating Nazism. On May 9, Victory Day, the surrender of Nazi Germany will be remembered around the world. One day earlier, on Saturday, May 8, both occasions will be celebrated at an international conference being organized by the Schiller Institute, in the only way that is meaningful under these conditions: by rebuilding an alliance of forces within nations of the East and the West, to jointly help rebuild the nations of the South.
As Helga Zepp LaRouche has been warning, we are in perilous times, in which the danger of nuclear war has again become a real possibility. What can be done by the people to oppose the drive to war and a global central banker's dictatorship? Was there anything positive in Biden's recent address? Do Putin and the Russians believe they can expect Biden's team to negotiate in good faith? And how do we avoid being paralyzed emotionally, in the face of these dangers?
On April 21, Russian President Putin warned that certain "red lines" are being crossed by actions of western forces, which threaten Russia's security and sovereignty. If this continues, it will force Russia to respond in an "asymmetrical, swift and tough" way. Yet, as he stated, as such hostile actions toward Russia have become commonplace, "Everyone pretends nothing is happening." Fortunately, there are some voices in the West speaking out, including Tulsi Gabbard, Dr. Lyle Goldstein, and Helga Zepp LaRouche. A Schiller Institute online conference will be held on May 8, to bring you up-to-date on the strategic crisis, and give you an opportunity to join our mobilization to break out of the present trajectory, which is shaped by City of London and Wall Street geopoliticians and neoliberals. Sign up to participate here: https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/20210508-conference
Register for the May 8 Schiller Institute conference. European Conference Call Excerpt with Helga Zepp-LaRouche Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Helga Zepp-LaRouche: I think we have to wake up the international population much more than even we have been doing so far, because in going through the intelligence in preparation for this phone call, when you are looking at the picture as a totality, it is absolutely horrifying. To start with what I think could be really a detonator of the situation, you remember that when Putin gave his speech on April 21 to the Federal Assembly, he said there are red lines which cannot be crossed, and then he said there was an assassination attempt against Lukashenko and a coup attempt against Belarus, and that that had really gone too far.So now the director of the Russian Federation Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, is saying that they are investigating the possible involvement of the U.S. government in the planning of a potential, supposed military coup in Belarus, and that sudden investigation of the plot of a military coup against Lukashenko is going on, and that the opposition politician Grigory Kostusev, and the political analyst Alexander Feduta, the lawyer Yuri Zenkovich, according to Lukashenko were involved in an assassination plan against him, and he accuses U.S. special services and U.S. leading forces to be responsible. And also quoting the head of the Belarus KGB, the project plot was planned for the summer, June or July; the military coup was planned for May 9 in Minsk, during the parade for Victory Day, and that this would have been sponsored from abroad. Then according to a report in the Belarus TV station ONT, the implication is that Michael Carpenter, one of the most important foreign policy advisers of U.S. Vice President Biden and director for Russia at the National Security Council; afterward he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control, was a key figure behind the supposed coup attempt in Belarus, and that next week more interesting new details about this story would be made known. I find this absolutely incredible, because we published in the recent period, a lot of the activity of Michael Carpenter, who is among other things, nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center. He was in the in the Obama administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control; director for Russia in the National Security Council; and he’s now Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2018, he made some waves when he accompanied the Ukrainian neo-Nazi then-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy on a trip to Washington, and when he was questioned concerning Parubiy’s connection to the Nazi movement which was involved in the Ukraine coup in 2014, he defended Parubiy as a patriot and fantastic leading personality. Carpenter was also together with Biden, the author of an article in Foreign Affairs publication of the Council on Foreign Relations for January/February 2018 “How To Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies” He’s obviously close to Biden. I find this absolutely incredible, because if this turns out to be the case, we could be closer to World War III, than anybody realizes: Because this is exactly the kind of stuff which happens in the forefront of world wars. And we should also note the fact that, today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced on April 26 that China will support Russia in front of the sharpened Western sanctions. He said: “China has all along maintained that differences should be properly resolved through consultation as equals on the basis of mutual respect. We reject the approach of wantonly resorting to unilateral sanctions or threat of sanctions…. China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination in the new era. We will continue to understand and support each other in safeguarding our respective sovereignty, security and development interests.” And we should keep in mind that when Wang Yi and Sergey Lavrov met in the Chinese city of Guilin on March 23, they were already talking about such an increase in the global governance partnership between Russia and China. Then one should also remember that just last week, on April 19, the U.S. Strategic Command announced what they called a “preview of the Posture Statement Review,” it’s addressed to U.S. Congress every year, and there they tweet: “Posture Statement Preview: The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.” StratCom is the same thing, what the Commander Adm. Charles Richard had told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, last week [April 20] that the Chinese nuclear capabilities are advancing so rapidly that it’s not worth to update it, because it’s going so fast that each new report is outdated; and that a portion of China’s nuclear arsenal has been recently primed for ready use, that is launch on warning. And then, we should remember that Tulsi Gabbard had warned against this kind of anti-Russia brinksmanship, where she had in the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show [April 12], said that “such a war would come at a cost beyond anything that we can really imagine.” An entirely accurate picture of “hundreds of millions of people dying and suffering seeing their flesh burned from their bones.” She is one of the few people who are warning about that, but it is an absolute scandal that there is no discussion. However, I will come to that in a second. I think there are indirect indications that some people in Europe are slowly waking up, that this confrontation against Russia is insane. But one should see this, what I just reported about the accusation concerning the possible plot against Belarus, also in the context of the absolute increased tension with Czechia, where now, after President Milos Zeman, who is generally reasonable concerning Russia—he had been attending the Rhodes Conference several times—in any case, he had said that the Czech secret services would know that there was no Russian involvement in this 2014 blowup of this ammunition depot [in Vrbetice]. Now, as a result of his saying that, the leader of the Czech parliament is investigating the possibility of a suit against Zeman for high treason, because supposedly he would have revealed state secrets in this speech; and he or some other speaker announced that there is already a collection of signatures on a petition to the Senate, a constitutional complaint that he was being responsible for treason. Obviously, this story was at the bottom of why the 60 Russian—that’s not a little, I mean, there’s almost nobody left—60 Russian diplomats have been expelled from the Czech Republic. And then you have a similar process going on with Poland. So naturally the hand of the British is visible: Chatham House had an article on that story of the 2014 explosion in the Czech ammunition depot, in which it states that this is the key issue to which Europe must respond, that the failure to do so would be inexcusable and be highly dangerous. [“Europe Must Admit Russia Is Waging War,” And they say that these are the same Russians who were responsible for the Salisbury poison attack on the Skripals in 2018, and this would be tantamount to an act of state terror, on the territory of a NATO and EU member state. So, Lavrov responded to that, by basically saying, this indeed the territory is where the EU should investigate this. And he said that Zeman’s statements were absolutely reasonable, but the attack on him means that “those who make such statements have already decided everything for themselves, decided that there are no alternative explanations other than the guilt of Russia.” Also as part of this insane war-mongering environment, Politico reports that U.S. spy agencies are now looking to declassify more intelligence on Russia and China’s “malign behavior,” and there is a memo signed by 9 of the 11 U.S. military four-star commanders, demanding that more intelligence for the information war against Russia and China should be published, that the world must know what Russia and China are doing. I think if you look at this, it’s really hair-raising: If you have the accusation that Russian and Belarus secret services that the U.S. is involved, and they’re naming this guy Michael Carpenter—I have not had the time to talk to the U.S. before making this briefing, but I think there is a story behind it, which either it turns out to be true, and then it’s really serious and extremely dangerous; or it’s some fake, which I doubt very much that you would joke with such stuff—I just want to say that this is extremely alarming for the state of affairs. Now, the reason why I think that some Europeans are waking up, is because, for a two days or so, the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has slightly modified his tone, saying there cannot be a continuation of the confrontation with Russia; and in contrast to what Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock is saying, who blasts Russia and China, and is on a complete confrontation course, and she is the invited guest of the conference by the Atlantic Council on May 5. But Maas is calling for de-escalation, and so is Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who, in an interview with Neue Zürcher Zeitung said that he’s against more sanctions against Russia, that there must be a de-escalation, and that peace in Europe is possible with Russia, and not against it. So, I think we should try to talk to many people and get a reason, what is really the perception in Europe about this state of affairs. Because if there would be any kind of escalation, it would be nuclear, because the U.S. forces and the NATO forces in Europe will not be involved in a war against Russian forces—that’s a complete joke—and the whole discussion about “low-yield nuclear weapons,” the modernization of nuclear weapons, I think it would affect European countries immediately, and it would be the end of Europe: That’s what we should really realize…. OK, so I will not go through a whole plethora of other subjects, because I think what I said in the beginning is the most worrisome, and that means that our upcoming conference on May 8 is more urgent than ever before, to really get a resistance against the war danger, against the sanctions, against all of these policies, which can only mean a disaster as the outcome, and we should really try to convince people that we need a moral resistance against this kind of decadence which could very well be the beginning of the hours and days before World War III. So, I think we really need a mobilization: I know people have all reasons why we are overworked, and this and that, but I think in light of what I said in the beginning, it is really horrifying. And people have to wake up, because it doesn’t register! It does not register! People have been numbed, and become so indifferent, that if we don’t break through that, I think the outcome will be a disaster. So I can only say that we have already some very interesting speakers: I hope to be able in a day or two, to put together a preliminary list of speakers and titles, which we will put out as soon as it is together. But it shapes up already as very interesting, both on the strategic crisis, and also on the continuation of the work of the Committee of the Coincidence of Opposites. So we should really go in all out effort to build this conference as a platform for anybody who wants to have a voice of reason and discuss solutions.
Until power is wrested from those currently exercising it over the United States and a new paradigm of economics, culture, and politics determines its policy, the threat of war will only escalate, until it becomes a deadly and irreversible reality.This drive for war, driven by the oligarchy exerting control over the governments, institutions, and prevailing culture of the U.S. and U.K., arises from an absolute commitment to crush the independence and growth of Russia and China, to prevent any challenge to the post-Soviet unipolar order. The inherent contradiction between the oligarchical commitments to geopolitical, military control internationally and to financial control “domestically” cannot be resolved by simply growing and competing, but only by crushing. The danger mounts, both with Russia and China. Consider Russia’s response to the revelations of a foiled coup d’état in Belarus, that was to include the assassination of its President, Aleksandr Lukashenko. During his April 21 speech before the Russian Federal Assembly, President Putin referred to the escalation from sanctions to murder: “Today, this practice is degenerating into something even more dangerous—I am referring to the recently exposed direct interference in Belarus in an attempt to orchestrate a coup d’0233tat and assassinate the Presidnet of that country… This goes too far. This is beyond any limits.” He warned the would-be perpetrators that “Russia’s response will be asymmetrical, swift and tough.” On Sunday, Belarusian state TV station ONT released an “anti-fake” TV show, purporting to show secret video of the planning of the plotters, their confessions, and a response to the newscaster to the State Department’s denial of any involvement in an assassination plot: “We’ll tell you where Washington can look for the truth. In Washington itself! Biden’s advisor Michael Carpenter will tell you if he wants.” Carpenter, Vice-President Biden’s foreign policy advisor, who co-authored a 2018 article with Biden entitled “How to Stand up to the Kremlin,” was a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia and Ukraine, and today works at the Atlantic Council and the Penn Biden Center. Belarus, Russia’s staunch ally in Europe, has therefore, on state TV, directly accused a top U.S. official intimately connected to President Biden, with the attempted assassination of its president. Where will this lead? Asked about China’s response to U.S. sanctions and other moves against Russia, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin was sharp. He was asked: “Recently, the U.S. has imposed large-scale sanctions on Russia… In his latest State of the Union address, President Putin warned the West not to cross the red line, otherwise Moscow’s response would make the culprits feel bitterly sorry for their action. Does China have any comment on this?” Wang responded: “China has all along maintained that differences should be properly resolved through consultation as equals on the basis of mutual respect. We reject the approach of wantonly resorting to unilateral sanctions or threats of sanctions. Such behavior constitutes power politics and hegemonic bullying, which gains no support and is increasingly rejected… China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination in the new era. We will continue to understand and support each other in safeguarding our respective sovereignty, security, and development interests.” Americans in particular must resist the divisive and important nonsense that is promoted as dominating domestic political discussion, and instead recognize the extreme danger posed by the British-directed drive for war with Russia. This demand for war was just expressed anew in the latest lunatic demands from the Royal Institute for International Affairs, this time based not on election tampering, utility hacking, ineffective poisonings, bounties, but on a 2014 explosion in the Czech Republic. The drive for war will continue to invent new pretexts as often as needed, and will only stop by being defeated. Will you take up that challenge?