What is a Development Corridor?

Rather than individual pieces of infrastructure, The LaRouche Organization promotes the development of what Lyndon LaRouche has called “development corridors.” These are bands of development, roughly 50–100 miles across, centered around transportation, energy, water, and communication infrastructure. Such infrastructure is not only a way of connecting Point A with Point B; it is akin to the body’s blood vessels, capable of nourishing the surrounding tissue.
A transportation corridor increases the physical productivity of land along the way, by bringing it closer (temporally and financially) to other markets, bringing down the physical cost of accessing them.
When a ship transports goods from one port to another, the goods are the same on arrival as they were on departure (although perhaps a bit less fresh).
But land-borne transportation opens the opportunity for raw materials and intermediate goods to be upgraded as they reach their final destinations, creating opportunities for wealth creation along the way. New towns and cities will spring up along these lines, providing fresh opportunities for a growing population.
Electrical infrastructure is a platform that unlocks economic processes that are absolutely impossible without it. The value of a power grid is emphatically not in the profits it can derive from selling power—it lies in the massively increased productivity and living conditions that electricity affords.
Water infrastructure prevents flood damage, irrigates crops, and provides security against the vagaries of nature. And water brought into an arid region produces a multiplier effect. Water supplied to crops enters the atmosphere through respiration, to fall again and multiply its impact.
The World Land-Bridge is not a program to connect already-existing population centers; it is an approach towards upgrading productivity and expanding economic, scientific, and cultural horizons.