Westphalia: The Way Out of World War Three
The Schiller Institute Petition, “Convoke An International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations” has as of yesterday assumed center stage worldwide. Translated into English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, German, Danish, Portuguese, and Russian, signed by more than 125 persons of note, first circulating among thousands, and soon, tens and hundreds of thousands through its re-transmission and discussion through various media outlets and platforms, it proclaims what must become the central intent of this hour of humanity: “to stop the drive to war, it is necessary to adopt a more fundamental approach, which is to establish an entirely New Paradigm that will ensure the security, and the economic development, of every nation on the planet.” The “Westphalian approach”which is gaining support as well as generating controversy, has suddenly come into greater prominence because of the battle that has erupted at the UN in recent days concerning biological warfare “research” in Ukraine.
Participate with Harley Schlanger and Jacques Cheminade to discuss the international campaign at 2pm EST, 11am PT.