Biden, BoJo Plot to Inflate a Green Financial Bubble to Bailout Bankrupt Financial System
By Harley Schlanger
Joe Biden and Boris Johnson must believe their populations are so brainwashed that they would accept a multi-trillion dollar bailout of financial speculators as a "program to rebuild infrastructure". But that is precisely what the upcoming "Climate" conferences are about, creating momentum behind the Great Reset -- which would establish a global central banker dictatorship -- and the global Green New Deal, which would lead to a drastic reduction of world population. The greatest fear of the Davos billionaires is that the people can be awakened to reject these policies, and that an alliance between the U.S., Russia and China will adopt LaRouche's program for a New Bretton Woods, based on fixed exchange rates, regulated banking -- i.e., no bailouts or bail-ins -- and investment in physical economic production, not mountains of credit to corrupt speculators.