Roundtable Discussion: Winter Storm Smashes Green New Deal Utopia – Great Power Cooperation Instead of War
By David DobrodtJoin us LIVE on Saturday at 2pm EST. The devastation and death across major portions of the US and Mexico from the polar vortex was not a “natural disaster,” but the man-made result of the systemic takedown of reliable fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, replaced by the primitive and unreliable use of sun and wind. This result was warned against in the EIR Special Report, “Great Leap Backwards – LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal,” released just days before the polar vortex, demonstrating that this is the disaster awaiting the entire world if the Green New Deal is not replaced by international cooperation to deal with the global pandemic and economic breakdown with modern technologies, infrastructure and industrial development.
Instead, we are witnessing the open mobilization by the US and its NATO allies for military confrontation with Russia and China, bringing the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation.
Experts on China and Russia, as well as experts on the actual, galactic causes of climate change, will join this Schiller Institute Roundtable Forum, to discuss the urgent steps required to avoid the twin disasters of war and economic disintegration, and pose the changes in international relations required to turn the current crisis into a new paradigm of peace through development. We invite you and your friends and associates to join us.